Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rainbow "Ice"

I've been meaning to make this for months but always forget to get white rice at the store.  I finally remembered and made some up.  It was super easy; 4C. white rice, 3T. rubbing alcohol and 2T. (per the instructions, I used 1T and it was this bright) food coloring.  Adelyn kept asking and asking to play in it but it took me a while to color it all and then dry it in the oven.  When she finally got to play with it she was in love.  She always asks to play with her "ice" and is very sure to not spill on the floor ;)

We got some shovels and Easter buckets so she could scoop and pour.

Daddy getting in on the action.

A final shot of my sweet, sleeping baby boy...who isn't much of a baby anymore :(

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