Sunday, March 18, 2012

B and J::15 months

My sweet babies are turning into (kind of) lanky toddlers.  They are at such a fun age and I am loving their little personalities.  I am (finally) done nursing and we (finally) stopped bottles.  I stopped nursing them right at 14 months and we stopped bottles a couple weeks ago.  I was so sick of washing them, they were only drinking a couple ounces of regular milk and I was sick of washing them.  So I just stopped.  And they were totally ok with it.  Sadly, they were totally ok with me being done nursing as well.  Granted I dragged it out for quite a while so they were used to not getting the boob all the time.

-you weigh 24lb 10oz, 50th percentile
-you are 31in tall, 50th percentile
-your head is in the 90th percentile
-you wear size 18mo clothes and occasionally 18-24mo shirts
-you wear a size 4/5 shoe
-you wear a size 4/5 diaper
-you sleep 12-14 hours a night and take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  you LOVE sleep.
-we put you down on your belly and you lay face down in the mattress.  sometimes you wave your arms like an upside down snow angel until we put your blanket on top.  ha.
-you eat (and eat) every.thing.
-you are constantly on the go.  always getting into trouble.  always climbing on things.
-you say quite a few words (mama, daddy, dada, dog, look, please, hot, hi, nana as well as quite a few animal sounds)
-you are the only person who I have cut with the nail clippers.  twice.  once when you were really sick when you were a newborn.  you were so lethargic it didn't phase you.  the second was just recently.  you were in my lap and jojo was climbing all over me and I was wondering why I couldn't get the clippers to cut your nail.  probably because there was a big hunk of your skin in there.  you just grunted at me and it was definitely a bleeder.
-nearly every time we put you in your car seat you flip out.  i think you think you are going outside to play and then someone straps you in a car seat and you get mad.  you quiet down as soon as the van is moving.
-your comprehension is absolutely unbelievable. you understand everything we say to you.
-you are one headstrong little boy.  you pitch a fit if you don't get your way.
-we just started going to church again and you do pretty good in the nursery.  you wail your fool head off when I drop you off but they say that you stop crying shortly after.
-you love to splash in the pool/bath tub
-you have 8 teeth and no signs of more
-you love to read.  you are constantly bringing people books and crawling in their lap.
-you love to clap your hands, do so big and give high fives
-you love to wave hi/bye and you wave with 3 fingers.  it is the cutest thing ever.

Adelyn at 15months

-you weigh 24lbs 12oz, 75th percentile
-you are 32in tall, 90th percentile
-your head is in the 90th percentile
-you wear 18mo and 18-24mo clothes
-you wear a size 5 shoe.  you love to curl your toes and it makes massive cracking calluses under your big toe.  we have you in a bigger shoe and you don't wear them that often and that seems to help.
-you wear a size 4 diaper during the day and a 5 at night.
-you love to sleep.  12-13 hours at night and 2-3 hour nap.  you have to (HAVE TO) be put down on your back.  sometimes you sleep on your back, sometimes you sleep on your stomach.
-you say a couple words (mama, dada, dog, uh-oh (so cute when you say uh-oh. you draw it out and say it anytime you drop something) you make a couple animal sounds)
-we have started going to church again and you wail like a banshee when I leave.  they say you are fine shortly after I leave but you do have to be held the whole time ;)
-changing your diaper is like wrestling an elephant.  you HATE it.  it generally helps to sing and blow kisses on your belly..but let me tell you.  it is frustrating.
-you are a pistol. if someone takes something from you, you squawk like there is no tomorrow.  you are so sassy, you don't let anyone get away with anything.
-you have been giggling all the time lately.  your little personality is starting to come out like crazy and I love it.
-you love to wave, clap your hands, do so big and give high fives
-you have 8 teeth and are cutting your two bottom molars
-you love to be held.  if I allowed it you would be held allll the time.
-your walking is getting better and better.  you are much better at falling now too ;)
-you are getting used to the slide.  you aren't so tentative around it anymore.
-you still love to ride in the car
-you love (LOVE) to carry baby dolls around.  you get sooo mad when Adelyn takes them from you.
-you love to give kisses.  open mouth kisses but they are still adorable.
-you have been OBSESSED with momma lately.  I love it.  you have always been the one that as long as mommy, daddy or nana are holding you, you are fine.  but right now, it generally has to be me.  and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

They seriously look so.old. in this picture.  They don't look anything like babies and it drives me nuts.  I sat Brecken down to take his picture and I got the first one of him when Jojo sat next to him and wanted hers taken too ;)

He discovered her headband.  Ugh.

Pretty little lady wanted her picture taken too :)

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