Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FM Gardens and Children's Museum

We had an insanely busy week.  We filled it with lots of fun things but two of the highlights were Frederick Meijer Gardens and the Children's Museum.  We went on Wednesday, with playgroup, to FM Gardens and on a very rainy Friday we went to the Children's Museum with Tiff, Sophia and Charlie.

Sophia and Adelyn

 I think Fred Meijer missed the memo that it was 50 degrees and windy outside.  Oh well.  The kids had fun.

Jojo opening the little doors in the tree trunk to see who lives there.

They couldn't look any happier.

Loretta, Sophia, Henry and Adelyn in the butterfly garden.  Owen and Sydney came too but apparently they are MIA ;)
 The Children's Museum was ca-razy.  I think everyone knew that it was going to rain and decided to go to the Children's Museum.  These two pics are the only ones I got because it was mass chaos in there.

Shopping for groceries.  Those grocery carts are a hot commodity and they only have two.  I think they need to invest in more.

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