Friday, March 16, 2012

John Ball Zoo

We went to the zoo last week Wednesday.  It was in the middle of the forever sickness aka RSV and I was going bonkers.  We went with our similarly sick friends and had a blast.  Side note::the ones who were sick the most were in strollers so we didn't spread too many germs.  What's a few boogers amongst friends?!  Humph.

The two cutest (big) girls at the zoo.

Today we went again and purchased a membership.  Let's face it.  2 adults and 3 children add up to a lot of money.  I got the household plus 1 membership and the plus 1 can be anyone I want.  So you should want to come to the zoo with me because you will get to go for free ;)  For $75 we only have to go a couple times to make it worth it and now we can go much more than that for free!  When Eric reads this he will promptly inform me that it wasn't free.  I digress.
It was super foggy on the way but wasn't to bad while we were walking at the zoo.  The kids all had a blast and Brecken and Joelle even got to try their hand at walking.  Yikes.  How can they be that big already?!  I said to Rachael that Adelyn was solely walking at 15 months.  I rarely used a stroller with her.   I guess having to look 3 different ways to watch 3 different kids kind of makes their chances of going stroller free pretty slim.  Too bad for them.

Adelyn's first pop-tart.  Ever.  I know, I know, I'm a terrible parent for not letting her have them sooner but if I bought pop-tarts she wouldn't get any because I would have already ate the whole box.  So I don't buy them.

Two cuties..with their pop-tarts ;)

Can I just tell you how much Kaylee makes me laugh?!  I think she makes more expressions than Adelyn does.

All the kiddos.  One lady asked me if I had a daycare and many others asked if they were triplets.  Oh the attention I get when I have this stroller in public.

The three babies..I guess when you have 2 bald boys and a girl people just assume they are triplets.

After some whining little B got out to stretch his legs.  I was afraid he wouldn't listen at all but I told Adelyn to hold his hand and they both did really well.  Apparently I can still be surprised.

These are Brecken's relatives.  I told him not to copy any of there tricks since he already has enough of his own.  We do call him the Monkey Man.  Not joking.  He was really cute around them.  I told him they were monkeys and made a monkey sound for him and he proceeded to make monkey sounds the whole time we looked at them.  He was communicating.  With his relatives.

Adelyn and Kaylee with the fish.  Don't you love how they are both holding their toes?!

I just realized I only have 1 picture of Jojo.  Whoops.  She actually got out and stretched her legs while we were in the aquarium.  No strollers were allowed.  All 3, or should I say 4 with Kaylee, were running loose.  We survived and didn't lose anyone.  Be impressed.

Bring it John Ball.  You better brace yourself because you will be seeing a lot of the Fitzgerald's this summer.

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