Some background:: We tried a big girl bed 4 months ago with Adelyn. It didn't go so well. In fact, it was (probably) the worst week of sleep in my life. 2 infants AND a toddler who don't sleep=no sleep for Mom and Dad. I had decided that we were going to go straight to the full sized bed, no toddler bed, and it was going to be my winter "project." I was cherishing the sleep I was getting.
Wednesday Adelyn woke up wailing from her nap, which had kind of become the norm. When I went up there to get her and asked what was wrong she told me her crib was to small and she wanted a big girl bed. No joke. I told her that was fine, inwardly I was seriously cringing. Eric didn't get her bed finished until 9 because of a late start to feedings and putting B and J to bed. I was prepared for the worst because it's way late and it went horrible last time. We put her to bed, closed the door and didn't hear a peep out of her. Until 3am. Cue the wailing. I go up there and literally couldn't find her. Turns out she was under the mattress. That's right. UNDER the mattress. Folded in half, under the mattress. Don't ask me how it happened. I'm not entirely sure. I brought her to bed with us, certain that this had ruined the "I want a big girl bed."
I put her down for her nap, yesterday, never heard a peep from her. I put her down at night. Never heard a peep from her. I put her down for her nap today, I was rocking Joelle and guess who comes walking in? That's right, Adelyn. She says to me while shrugging her shoulders "I no go seep." Really. You don't say. I told her she needed to try, to go back to bed and I would come give her a kiss when I was done with Joelle. She did. I kissed her, told her to stay in bed and closed the door. Put Brecken down, come downstairs, turn on her monitor and hear her yakking up a storm in there. Then I hear the door open. Now I'm thinking we're going back to the previous 4 months ago horrible-ness. I walk up there, tell her that if she gets up again I'm going to be mad. She says ok. I kiss her and close the door. 2 minutes later it opens and she peeks herlittle huge noggin around the corner and snickers. I march up there, put her in bed and tell her that she has to close her eyes and go to sleep. I also mention the fact that if she comes out again I will lock the door. I'm evil sensible like that. I kiss her, close the door and wait outside her door. I hear her start crying, she cried for literally 2 minutes, stops mid-cry and says "I go seep now, Mommy" and I haven't heard a peep from her since.
So proud of my big girl. She has totally been one that, if you take her cues for when she is ready for a transition, it goes smoothly.
*Eric would tell me that I am insane for taking a camera in there and taking a picture but I had to document this. Pardon the blurriness but with it being so dark in there and not using the flash, I would have had to take a tripod in to get it not blurry and I am not THAT brave. (I lightened it with Lightroom. Be impressed.) We decided against a bed rail because she has been doing so well. I just put a pillow under her blankets at the edge and that must do the trick..

Wednesday Adelyn woke up wailing from her nap, which had kind of become the norm. When I went up there to get her and asked what was wrong she told me her crib was to small and she wanted a big girl bed. No joke. I told her that was fine, inwardly I was seriously cringing. Eric didn't get her bed finished until 9 because of a late start to feedings and putting B and J to bed. I was prepared for the worst because it's way late and it went horrible last time. We put her to bed, closed the door and didn't hear a peep out of her. Until 3am. Cue the wailing. I go up there and literally couldn't find her. Turns out she was under the mattress. That's right. UNDER the mattress. Folded in half, under the mattress. Don't ask me how it happened. I'm not entirely sure. I brought her to bed with us, certain that this had ruined the "I want a big girl bed."
I put her down for her nap, yesterday, never heard a peep from her. I put her down at night. Never heard a peep from her. I put her down for her nap today, I was rocking Joelle and guess who comes walking in? That's right, Adelyn. She says to me while shrugging her shoulders "I no go seep." Really. You don't say. I told her she needed to try, to go back to bed and I would come give her a kiss when I was done with Joelle. She did. I kissed her, told her to stay in bed and closed the door. Put Brecken down, come downstairs, turn on her monitor and hear her yakking up a storm in there. Then I hear the door open. Now I'm thinking we're going back to the previous 4 months ago horrible-ness. I walk up there, tell her that if she gets up again I'm going to be mad. She says ok. I kiss her and close the door. 2 minutes later it opens and she peeks her
So proud of my big girl. She has totally been one that, if you take her cues for when she is ready for a transition, it goes smoothly.
*Eric would tell me that I am insane for taking a camera in there and taking a picture but I had to document this. Pardon the blurriness but with it being so dark in there and not using the flash, I would have had to take a tripod in to get it not blurry and I am not THAT brave. (I lightened it with Lightroom. Be impressed.) We decided against a bed rail because she has been doing so well. I just put a pillow under her blankets at the edge and that must do the trick..

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