Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Take that.

A little background:
Last week Monday night Adelyn threw up three times before she finally went to sleep.  We aren't sure what caused it because she was fine the next day and hadn't been around anybody sick.  Tuesday night I went to put her to bed and she FREAKED.OUT.  Poor girl thought she was going to throw up.  She kept trying to spit and kept saying yucky, yucky.  I finally just put her in bed and closed the door.  Mmmiiissstake.  I came downstairs and I heard a loud thump and her screaming owie, owie.   I just thought she fell in her crib and bonked her head.  It's happened before.  Then I heard her open her door and come screaming to the top of the stairs.  Now I FREAKED.OUT.  Turns out she climbed/fell out of her crib.  I made Eric turn it into a toddler bed (at 10:30 at night) and we tried putting her to bed again.  I had to lay by her bed and hold her hand to get her to fall asleep. That Tuesday night through last night was horrendous.  Pure torture.  Nobody slept.  It would take 2 hours to put her to sleep and most of that time she would cry.  We tried sitting outside her door and putting her back in bed the second she got out.  Wouldn't work.  When we finally got her to sleep she would wake up and begin the whole process again in the middle of the night.  Eric and I each took our turns sleeping up there on the floor in the middle of the night.  Talk about comfortable.  Last night was my last straw.  She was up from 3:30am until she went down for her nap at 1pm.  Nuts.  I said forget it and had Eric put her crib back together on his lunch.  This is what Adelyn's "crib" looks like now:
and this is what my facebook status was today: 
after 8 days of zero sleep for anybody at the Fitzgerald house (except for Brecken and Joelle) Adelyn's bed is now a mattress on the ground..with a crib around it. take that no sleep demons. and yes my child WILL be the first kinder-gardener that goes to school with a paci..and sleeping in a crib. i officially hate transitions.

I got lots of comments on it and lots of good information for the future.  When she outgrows this contraption.

Take that Miss Adelyn.  Take that.

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