For lunch today Adelyn had an egg sandwich and some black beans. She ate all of her black beans and said "I want more, please." I told her to eat some of her sandwich and then I would give her more. She took a bite, pulled the pieces of bread apart, took the egg off, put the bread back together, took a bite and said "Nummy samwich Mommy. Tank you for making it." and proceeded to eat the rest. She was getting antsy so I put some more black beans on her plate and she did her crazy cackle/giggle and said "Ooo more jelly beans!"
*Disclaimer: Eggs have been the one food that Adelyn consistently does not like. Randomly she will eat them if they are prepared just right but she typically won't.
Brecken and Joelle also tried some "jelly beans" today. B-man LOVED them so much he got them everywhere!
*Look closely and you can see his TWO little chiclets poking through!*

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