Sunday, September 18, 2011

B and J::9 months

I've started planning these two little babies birthday party.  Can't believe they will be 1 in 3 months.  This year has gone so fast and has so many memories!
-you weigh 20lbs 14ozs, 50th percentile
-you are 28 1/4in tall, 50th percentile
-your *extra large* noggin is in the 95th percentile
-you wear some 9 month and some 12 month clothes
-you wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a size 4 at night.
-you crawl EVERYWHERE and are super fast.  you crawled for the doctor (bc you huff and puff like crazy when you crawl) and she thought you were crazy fast.  also said the huffing and puffing was from going so fast.  no joke.
-you pull up to a stand on anything and everything.  you are starting to walk around things.
-you love, love, love it when adelyn wrestles you.  sometimes i am terrified that she is going to pop your head off or really hurt you but you just laugh and laugh.
-you don't stop moving until you are in a deep, deep sleep.
-i'll rock you for your nap and i'll think you are asleep, lay you down and then i can see you start to smile behind your paci.  ill get you almost in your bed and your eyes will fly open and you give me the cheesiest smile.  such a stinker!!
-you are so ambitious..if you want something there is no stopping you.
-you love being around people.  if people walk away from you, you cry.
-i think your favorite thing is eating.  you could eat all day if i let you.  
-you are such a floppy baby, i find it crazy that you now weigh more than joelle!
-you have two little teeth.
-you have been an excellent sleeper again!  i just wish it would stay that way or that you would in-sync with your sister..

Adelyn at 9 months

-you weigh 20lbs 2ozs, 75th percentile
-you are 28 1/4in long, 75th percentile
-your head is in the 50th percentile.  the only one of my babies with a little pea head :)
-you wear some 9 month clothes and some 12 month clothes. 
-you wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a size 4 at night.
-you are crawling everywhere.  you aren't fast but i feel like your as fast as adelyn was.
-you pull up on things.  sometimes i think, you think, you are stuck standing.  you will start whining and kind of jump.
 -you are just starting to inch around things.
-you have the strongest legs!  
-you are going to be the one that sits on the sidelines with daddy while everyone else goes on the roller-coaster.  you are very cautious.
-you are becoming much more tolerant of adelyn plowing you over.
-you have the cutest giggles.
-you are such an awesome sleeper.  daddy and i say all the time we never thought we would say that about you.  you take 2 awesome naps and sleep really well at night.
-you look a lot like your daddy but i think you are starting to look like your auntie rach too.
-you are so independent.  ever since you were sick (10 days ago) you have been really funny about me spoon feeding you.  you would eat cheerios or bread but eat a couple bites and then be done.  i've read a little bit and found quite a few interesting things that says 9 month old's can become very independent.  i put a bunch of finger foods on your tray today, some cubed meat, cheese and grapes.  you ate it all.  so, so independent.
-you are so intrigued with lakota.  you poke and prod her all the time. 
-you have 1 teeth and another is *almost* through.

Trying to get a picture of them together was insane!  It took 3 adults to get a halfway decent picture.  Eric wanted to make sure I got this picture because Brecken was actually biting him in it ;)

Hey!  Stop pulling my shirt!

Finally!  A good one.  My Uncle Jim and Aunt Peggy got them these outfits and I think they are so adorable.  They are a little big now but they should fit for the rest of the winter :)  Winter..blech.

This silly, pretty girl wanted her picture taken all day.  Such a little ham.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nichole - I love the pictures and your Blog about Adeyln, Brecken and Joelle!!!! I can't believe how they have changed even since a week ago!especially Brecken - Who do you think he looks like? lol. Good thing I'm not there or I would be making or buying outfits for them all the time! They are SO precious - all 3!
