Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
This girl..
has been driving me nuts with her eating habits lately. If she doesn't want to eat, she won't eat. Which would be fine..if she had ate at all. Sometimes she flails her arms really fast when you have a spoonful of food right in front of her face. Other times she'll whack at the spoon and food will go flying. She will take a mouthful of something and then smear her hands all in it. She constantly has to pull at her hair or rub her head while she's eating.
Bananas. Everywhere.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
B and J::9 months
I've started planning these two little babies birthday party. Can't believe they will be 1 in 3 months. This year has gone so fast and has so many memories!
-you weigh 20lbs 14ozs, 50th percentile
-you are 28 1/4in tall, 50th percentile
-your *extra large* noggin is in the 95th percentile
-you wear some 9 month and some 12 month clothes
-you wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a size 4 at night.
-you crawl EVERYWHERE and are super fast. you crawled for the doctor (bc you huff and puff like crazy when you crawl) and she thought you were crazy fast. also said the huffing and puffing was from going so fast. no joke.
-you pull up to a stand on anything and everything. you are starting to walk around things.
-you love, love, love it when adelyn wrestles you. sometimes i am terrified that she is going to pop your head off or really hurt you but you just laugh and laugh.
-you don't stop moving until you are in a deep, deep sleep.
-i'll rock you for your nap and i'll think you are asleep, lay you down and then i can see you start to smile behind your paci. ill get you almost in your bed and your eyes will fly open and you give me the cheesiest smile. such a stinker!!
-you are so ambitious..if you want something there is no stopping you.
-you love being around people. if people walk away from you, you cry.
-i think your favorite thing is eating. you could eat all day if i let you.
-you are such a floppy baby, i find it crazy that you now weigh more than joelle!
-you have two little teeth.
-you have been an excellent sleeper again! i just wish it would stay that way or that you would in-sync with your sister..
Adelyn at 9 months
-you weigh 20lbs 2ozs, 75th percentile
-you are 28 1/4in long, 75th percentile
-your head is in the 50th percentile. the only one of my babies with a little pea head :)
-you wear some 9 month clothes and some 12 month clothes.
-you wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a size 4 at night.
-you are crawling everywhere. you aren't fast but i feel like your as fast as adelyn was.
-you pull up on things. sometimes i think, you think, you are stuck standing. you will start whining and kind of jump.
-you are just starting to inch around things.
-you have the strongest legs!
-you are going to be the one that sits on the sidelines with daddy while everyone else goes on the roller-coaster. you are very cautious.
-you are becoming much more tolerant of adelyn plowing you over.
-you have the cutest giggles.
-you are such an awesome sleeper. daddy and i say all the time we never thought we would say that about you. you take 2 awesome naps and sleep really well at night.
-you look a lot like your daddy but i think you are starting to look like your auntie rach too.
-you are so independent. ever since you were sick (10 days ago) you have been really funny about me spoon feeding you. you would eat cheerios or bread but eat a couple bites and then be done. i've read a little bit and found quite a few interesting things that says 9 month old's can become very independent. i put a bunch of finger foods on your tray today, some cubed meat, cheese and grapes. you ate it all. so, so independent.
-you are so intrigued with lakota. you poke and prod her all the time.
-you have 1 teeth and another is *almost* through.
Trying to get a picture of them together was insane! It took 3 adults to get a halfway decent picture. Eric wanted to make sure I got this picture because Brecken was actually biting him in it ;)
Hey! Stop pulling my shirt!
Finally! A good one. My Uncle Jim and Aunt Peggy got them these outfits and I think they are so adorable. They are a little big now but they should fit for the rest of the winter :) Winter..blech.
This silly, pretty girl wanted her picture taken all day. Such a little ham.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
You know you love to camp when..
you buy a camper..err, a pop-up!
Be impressed that Eric and I set it up by ourselves and there was no fighting.
I think the curtains are my favorite part.
It has a king bed at one end and a queen bed at the other. The couch and the table fold down into beds. It has air conditioning (major bonus) and it's in really good condition! We love it and can't wait to camp next year!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Every year we go to Crane's and pick Honey Crisps. They are our favorite apple :) Eric always tells me I pick way to many but we always eat them all.
Adelyn picking flower for me. Melts my heart.
Such a stinker!
Aww poor baby. *I may or may not have accidentally pulled her hair when I took her bib off. Whoops .*
But I still get a smile :)
He cried because I took his graham cracker away, for a picture. I'm so mean.
I think Adelyn ate supper in the orchard ;)
I picked 110lbs of apples. About 20 were for Eric's parents. My fridge is FULL! yummy.
Big Girl Bed
Some background:: We tried a big girl bed 4 months ago with Adelyn. It didn't go so well. In fact, it was (probably) the worst week of sleep in my life. 2 infants AND a toddler who don't sleep=no sleep for Mom and Dad. I had decided that we were going to go straight to the full sized bed, no toddler bed, and it was going to be my winter "project." I was cherishing the sleep I was getting.
Wednesday Adelyn woke up wailing from her nap, which had kind of become the norm. When I went up there to get her and asked what was wrong she told me her crib was to small and she wanted a big girl bed. No joke. I told her that was fine, inwardly I was seriously cringing. Eric didn't get her bed finished until 9 because of a late start to feedings and putting B and J to bed. I was prepared for the worst because it's way late and it went horrible last time. We put her to bed, closed the door and didn't hear a peep out of her. Until 3am. Cue the wailing. I go up there and literally couldn't find her. Turns out she was under the mattress. That's right. UNDER the mattress. Folded in half, under the mattress. Don't ask me how it happened. I'm not entirely sure. I brought her to bed with us, certain that this had ruined the "I want a big girl bed."
I put her down for her nap, yesterday, never heard a peep from her. I put her down at night. Never heard a peep from her. I put her down for her nap today, I was rocking Joelle and guess who comes walking in? That's right, Adelyn. She says to me while shrugging her shoulders "I no go seep." Really. You don't say. I told her she needed to try, to go back to bed and I would come give her a kiss when I was done with Joelle. She did. I kissed her, told her to stay in bed and closed the door. Put Brecken down, come downstairs, turn on her monitor and hear her yakking up a storm in there. Then I hear the door open. Now I'm thinking we're going back to the previous 4 months ago horrible-ness. I walk up there, tell her that if she gets up again I'm going to be mad. She says ok. I kiss her and close the door. 2 minutes later it opens and she peeks herlittle huge noggin around the corner and snickers. I march up there, put her in bed and tell her that she has to close her eyes and go to sleep. I also mention the fact that if she comes out again I will lock the door. I'm evil sensible like that. I kiss her, close the door and wait outside her door. I hear her start crying, she cried for literally 2 minutes, stops mid-cry and says "I go seep now, Mommy" and I haven't heard a peep from her since.
So proud of my big girl. She has totally been one that, if you take her cues for when she is ready for a transition, it goes smoothly.
*Eric would tell me that I am insane for taking a camera in there and taking a picture but I had to document this. Pardon the blurriness but with it being so dark in there and not using the flash, I would have had to take a tripod in to get it not blurry and I am not THAT brave. (I lightened it with Lightroom. Be impressed.) We decided against a bed rail because she has been doing so well. I just put a pillow under her blankets at the edge and that must do the trick..

Wednesday Adelyn woke up wailing from her nap, which had kind of become the norm. When I went up there to get her and asked what was wrong she told me her crib was to small and she wanted a big girl bed. No joke. I told her that was fine, inwardly I was seriously cringing. Eric didn't get her bed finished until 9 because of a late start to feedings and putting B and J to bed. I was prepared for the worst because it's way late and it went horrible last time. We put her to bed, closed the door and didn't hear a peep out of her. Until 3am. Cue the wailing. I go up there and literally couldn't find her. Turns out she was under the mattress. That's right. UNDER the mattress. Folded in half, under the mattress. Don't ask me how it happened. I'm not entirely sure. I brought her to bed with us, certain that this had ruined the "I want a big girl bed."
I put her down for her nap, yesterday, never heard a peep from her. I put her down at night. Never heard a peep from her. I put her down for her nap today, I was rocking Joelle and guess who comes walking in? That's right, Adelyn. She says to me while shrugging her shoulders "I no go seep." Really. You don't say. I told her she needed to try, to go back to bed and I would come give her a kiss when I was done with Joelle. She did. I kissed her, told her to stay in bed and closed the door. Put Brecken down, come downstairs, turn on her monitor and hear her yakking up a storm in there. Then I hear the door open. Now I'm thinking we're going back to the previous 4 months ago horrible-ness. I walk up there, tell her that if she gets up again I'm going to be mad. She says ok. I kiss her and close the door. 2 minutes later it opens and she peeks her
So proud of my big girl. She has totally been one that, if you take her cues for when she is ready for a transition, it goes smoothly.
*Eric would tell me that I am insane for taking a camera in there and taking a picture but I had to document this. Pardon the blurriness but with it being so dark in there and not using the flash, I would have had to take a tripod in to get it not blurry and I am not THAT brave. (I lightened it with Lightroom. Be impressed.) We decided against a bed rail because she has been doing so well. I just put a pillow under her blankets at the edge and that must do the trick..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Jelly Beans
For lunch today Adelyn had an egg sandwich and some black beans. She ate all of her black beans and said "I want more, please." I told her to eat some of her sandwich and then I would give her more. She took a bite, pulled the pieces of bread apart, took the egg off, put the bread back together, took a bite and said "Nummy samwich Mommy. Tank you for making it." and proceeded to eat the rest. She was getting antsy so I put some more black beans on her plate and she did her crazy cackle/giggle and said "Ooo more jelly beans!"
*Disclaimer: Eggs have been the one food that Adelyn consistently does not like. Randomly she will eat them if they are prepared just right but she typically won't.
Brecken and Joelle also tried some "jelly beans" today. B-man LOVED them so much he got them everywhere!
*Look closely and you can see his TWO little chiclets poking through!*

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Closets and Kota's
I was surprised by this little boy when I came out of the bathroom today. He made it from the living room to my closet and found a hanger. Yes, I organize my clothes by color. Don't judge.
Lakota was really irritating me tonight. She has been horrible at begging lately. It might have something to do with the gallons of food that have been falling on the floor lately. I told her to go on her bed and then proceeded to move the chair back and put a contraption up to keep her from coming out.
Poor Kota Bear. I wish I could say I felt bad for you...
Friday, September 9, 2011
Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park
We heard about this zoo from a friend. It opened in July and it's awesome. Smaller than John Ball but WAY better. They have tons of animals I have never seen. There is a huge bird cage where you can go and feed the birds and you can feed the goats. They have an area where you can view things really close up and then they take you around on a huge wagon to view the larger animals.
Please note that while I am not terrified of birds I don't exactly love them. When I went in they all came flying at me and I almost had a panic attack. There were a ton of them. This first picture doesn't justify my initial terror.
This picture, however, does..a little bit.
Adelyn loved it but she didn't like it when all the birds came around her.
She could do one bird but if anymore came she would drop the stick..
If you look closely you can see the falling stick..and the falling bird ;)
My pretty baby girl who was not feeling well but was a total trooper.
Handsome man was also a trooper, per usual. Love his mohawk :)
They liked to bite your toes. Not cool.
A zebra?! In the petting zoo?! I told you this park was cool.
Your normal goats..

These turtles are the same kind. The little baby one is 8 weeks old
and this big boy is 80 something years old. The difference in size is amazing. The big one also offers rides..but Adelyn didn't like that idea.
The start of our tour. They took us on the feed cart (a gator) because we were the only ones there (it was during the day, school was in session). All the animals came right up to the fence.
Apparently, according to Rick the reptile guy, this was Steve Irwin's most feared animal. It has 4 inch talons on its feet and has crazy long porcupine-like needles on it's wings. It's not a very nice bird. I, personally, think it looks like a dinosaur..
Ostrich. Such a huge bird.
Ostrich eggs that never hatch. They clean out the insides and sell them in the gift shop.
Adelyn wanted to do the bird barn again. We obliged.
Trooper babies. Yes, Joelle is naked. We didn't want her overheating.
Makes me laugh :)
Cool bird.
Rick, the reptile guy, with his friend the crocodile. I wouldn't be jumping in there..but he did.
and then gave us a show buy feeding him some chicken!
Go ahead and laugh. I won't tell.
Melts my heart.
So much fun that we want to go again this year!!
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