Sunday, August 21, 2011

Michigan's Adventure

Eric's work picnic was yesterday at Michigan's Adventure.  Pretty sweet place for a work picnic if you ask me!  I asked my mom to watch Brecken and Joelle so we could actually enjoy ourselves and she did :)  The weather was supposed to be rainy but the only time it rained down-poured was right when we got there and we had to run to the other side of the park to get to the catering section.  One of the guys Eric works with brought his grandson, Ryan, and Adelyn rode quite a few rides with him.  Adelyn had a blast and kept saying "see ya next year!" the whole ride back.
The boat ride.  Pure love for Adelyn:: boat+water=love.

This fellow looked like he was having a blast..

"The elephant."  They had a lever you could control going up and down with ("flying") and Adelyn would pull and release it and pull and release..resulting in a very funny looking ride.

The airplane.

 Pretty baby and me on the train ride through the park.  One of the only rides Eric would venture on.

The De-Bop ride.  We waited forever and it wasn't a very long ride.  Adelyn, however, enjoyed it because she got to drive ;)  I think my expression says it all..  We saw Adelyn kiss Ryan (more than once) and then Ryan rubbed his cheek for probably half the ride.  When Neal went to get them after the ride he said to Ryan "Did Adelyn kiss you?"  He said "No! She spit on me!"  HAHAHA

Multiple pictures of this ride::I had to justify the horrific-ness of it.  We wonder why everybody's back in America is in need of repair.  This ride is the explanation for it all.  It was the worst.ride.ever.  Super jerk-y, you were really cramped in the seat and relatively fast.  My back hasn't hurt in a while (probably the longest time I have had it not hurt in a while..) and now it's killing me again.  Awesome.

Notice my hair flying behind me..that's how fast we were going.

The whale ride.  Also another horrible ride for your back.  Funny story, however.  The whale's have a horrible button that you can press and it emits an awful sound.  That lovely lady in front of us was getting really mad at her kids for pushing it; yelling at them and flicking the back of their heads when they did it.  I made sure I pushed the button for at least half the ride.  I had a headache afterwards but had an evil sense of satisfaction that hers was probably worse.

The wave pool.  Eric took Adelyn in it while I rode some tube rides and said she thought it was ok.

She loved going down this slide by herself.  She loved all the rides!

Somebody (ahem, Eric) left the camera on manual and then took these pictures without realizing he left it on manual so excuse the blurriness.  Thankfully I realized it right away so these ones are the only ones that are blurry..

Keep your sticky mess away from me ;)

On the fire truck.  She has been wanting to ride the fire truck and it was finally free right before we were going to leave.

We rode the ferris wheel at the end (probably the only ride, except for the spinning tea cups, that I am absolutely terrified of).  We wanted Adelyn to ride on it, though, and managed to get a picture of the three of us.

Does not justify my terror..

I think you can get a feel for Eric's terror though..

All in all we had a blast!  Can't wait to do it again!!

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