Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle.  I want to ride my bicycle.  I want to ride my bike.  I want to ride my bicycle.  I want to ride it where I like.  *Ahem*  Pardon my "singing" of Queen's lyrics.  We sold our double stroller and bought Adelyn a bike.  She loves it.  Gets on and off it like a champ...but has yet to figure out peddling.  From what I hear it takes a while.  She has, however, figured out if she gets on it at the top of our driveway and lurches back and forth she can go down the driveway (it is a hill).  I am, personally, not such a fan of that.  

Did I mention how hard it is to find one without princesses or barbies plastered all over it?!  We finally found one that we both liked.  It's baby blue with a couple cherries on it..not my favorite but better than princesses. 
At the top of  the "hill."
 Gone.  In more ways than one.

These two cuties had fun playing on a blanket while Adelyn rode her bike.

Adelyn just loves to play in the water..

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