Friday, August 12, 2011

John Ball Zoo::S'mores

Earlier this week I had asked Eric to take Friday off so we could go to the zoo.  I have been wanting to go all summer and the weather was PERFECT.  When we told Adelyn we were going this morning she wasn't to excited because she was convinced the animals were going to get her.  We got there a little before 10 with some minor craziness along the way.  Adelyn had her first "I have to go poopies!" while we were driving down the highway so we pull over like crazed maniacs, get her on my new porta-potty and then she tells us "no. i don't."  A mile down the road she says the same thing so we pull over on the Hudsonville off ramp and she proceeds to do the same thing.  Seriously?!?!  The life with a potty-training child.  Eric was slightly extremely frustrated (as was I) and took off before the sliding door was closed (they are automatic).  It didn't/wouldn't close until we stopped (again!).  A couple miles down the highway we laughed about it because Adelyn kept asking to open the door ;)

Adelyn and I looking at the monkeys.

Adelyn petting the goats.

They look like they were caught doing something wrong :)
Daddy and Adelyn petting (touching?) the sting rays.

Handsome boy loved sitting in the front seat for the first time

Loved it so much..he chewed on the rope.  Gross.

Pretty Jojo and her big blue eyes.

The petting zoo
 Adelyn loved playing on the train

Adelyn's first s'more of the season..better late than never ;)


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