Thursday, August 18, 2011

B and J::8 Months

Love, love, love these two precious little babies.  Some days I look at them and think it is so crazy that I was blessed with them.  They are so much fun right now and I love that their little personalities are showing more and more.

-weigh 19lbs
-wear 9 month and 6-12 month clothes
-size 3 diaper during the day and a 4 at night
-nurse 3 times, eat meals 3 times
-take 2 naps
-you are (finally!) sleeping 11ish hours.  the final thing I tried was putting a pillow under your mattress and the night after I did that you slept through the night.  I think you might have reflux but I'll wait until your 9 month appointment to discuss it with your doctor.  you have been sleeping consistently for about 3 weeks now.
-you are crawling!  as of 2 days ago.
-love to get into adelyn's things.  now that you can move it's worse..
-such a happy boy but when you want something everybody knows!
-you are constantly on the go..constantly.  when I nurse you, you are always wiggling or pulling your ears or your hair.  you always kick your legs.
-the day you started crawling you started trying to pull up on things.  you are going to be an early walker.
-i tell daddy that we are going to have to take out extra medical insurance for you..i can tell already that you are going to be the one we end up with in the e.r. all the time.
-you love to torment your sisters
-love to eat! you just shovel cheerios in your mouth and you gobble your food right up.  you are also our pickiest.  the way you wrinkle your face if something is even the slightest bit different is so cute.  it makes me laugh every time
-you think adelyn is hilarious.  she can get you to laugh the easiest
-now that you can crawl, if i'm on the floor with you, you are constantly trying to pull yourself into my lap

Adelyn at 8 months

-weigh 19.4lbs
-wear 9 month and 6-12 month clothes
-wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a 4 at night
-sleep 11ish hours.  i feel bad for you, 5ish mornings out of 7 i have to wake you up because brecken has already been awake for 1/2 an hour and if i let you sleep much longer you both would not be on the same schedule for the day..that does not work
-take 2 naps
-nurse 3 times, eat meals 3 times
-get up on all fours to crawl but then you just do a pushup instead.  you roll around and push yourself backwards on your belly though
-you love to mimic sounds. you will say da-da-da after me or click your tongue/smack your lips
-you love it when you start a sound and somebody does it after you
-you are a very vocal individual.  with happy sounds and sad ;)
-love your paci
-love to cuddle with your blankie
-you now let momma, daddy, nana, papa and auntie rach hold you 
-when you wake up somebody has to hold you for a couple minutes before you can play on the floor otherwise you have a heart attack
-you love to eat!  with that being said you are the most meticulous eater i know.  you will only eat one cheerio at a time and you usually put it in your mouth with just your pincher grasp and chew and chew until it's gone.  you love all the foods i have tried with you.  you are the only one of our kids that has a "stop" button when it comes to eating.
-love to be snuggled tightly
-are so, so dramatic
-still have the biggest smile
-have the cutest giggles

It has become somewhat hard to take a picture of the two of them together when one is on the move..I can't imagine what it's going to be like with two on the move..

I'm outta here..this chair is much cooler.

Such a big boy

The only half-way decent picture I got of the two of them ;)


  1. Nichole - I Love the pictures of Joelle and Brecken! I see how much they have changed since I saw them at 5 months! And I see they are both nearly the same weight now too. SO precious! What a little Scooter, Breken is! Who do you think they look like now?

  2. The More I look at Joelle - the more I see her look like her Daddy! But I can't tell who Brecken looks like.

  3. They have changed a lot! Can't believe they are moving around already.. I think Joelle looks like Eric and Brecken looks a lot like my brother and I. I will be sending you some pictures in the next couple weeks (maybe more like a month by the time I get them and they get to you) that we just had taken last week. They turned out awesome!!
