It is so crazy to me that we have been blessed with Adelyn for 2.5 years. It feels like she's been here forever. I can't imagine what life would be like without her crazy sayings and hilarious expressions. Way.To.Quiet. She has such an awesome personality, I love it. She is a little shy around people she doesn't know but usually opens up in no time. Around people she knows, watch out! She can be sooo stubborn. Apparently she gets that from me.. She is the smartest little person. Her latest thing that amazes me is when she gets silverware out of the drawer to pull something closer to her. The things we put on the back of the counter are no longer safe. She swipes at them until she can get it. She can have the biggest mood swings of anyone I know..but apparently that's normal. Sometimes I say to Eric I can't just flip a switch like that.. She is (for the most part)such a loving, sweet little girl. I hope she she stays that way. She is soo polite and I love it. She always says sorry, tank you and peas :) She always has to have everything just so. If we have done it one way it HAS to be that way.
Some stats::
-weight 34lbs, 90th percentile
-height 37inches, 97th percentile
-bmi 50th percentile
-wears a size 8 shoe
-wears 3T/4T clothes
-sleeps 11ish hours at night
-takes a 1.5-2hr nap
-loves her books
-loves her baby dolls
-loves to cuddle up on the couch with her baby dolls, books and a blanket
-favorite movies:: tangled, nemo, babies, wordworld, toddler tunes, cars
-loves to sing the abc's
-can probably count to 10. she likes it if you say a number she'll say the next one but when she counts its random numbers and she'll have two of the right ones in a row (7, 2, 3, 10)
-loves to color
-loves, loves, loves fruit
-is hating the fact that her brother is crawling and getting into "her" things
-her latest things is "no, my mommy!" or "no, adelyn's mommy!" when I'm holding Brecken or Joelle
-is doing really well with potty training
-asks everyday to play outside, go in her sandbox, go for a walk
-much to my dislike, loves cartoons
-play cars
-asks for her friends all the time..i love it. the other day we went to a park that we had just been at with Will and when we got there and their car wasn't at the park she started crying.
-is so intuitive. her latest thing, if i don't have a smile on my face, is to ask "Mommy, what's wrong?"
-loves going to the beach and has become way to brave with the water
-has been paci free since July 18. i thought it was going to be a really hard transition for her. she did great! she cried for her first nap without it and the first time we put her to bed. success!!
-went to her first movie with Nana and Auntie Rach. they took her to Pooh. she was not a fan. they were discussing why she might not have liked it at supper and they were saying maybe it was to dark, she chimed in with "No, Pooh too big!" Ha :)
Funny sayings::
-i told her we were going to pick blueberries with Daddy and she said "I no pick berries with Daddy! I say it again!!"
-"Don't trip on Adelyn's mess. Ok Daddy?"
-"Sorry I woke up. I missed you."
-"Have a good day/see you next week!"
-"I go pick boogers in bathroom." ...and if she gets one she comes running out saying "I got it!" and puts it in the trash.
-"I tooted." Makes me laugh every time.
-I had something in my teeth one night and she said "Flies, Mommy?"
-whenever she drops food on the ground she says "Koya get it. KOYA KOYA. Whhheeerrrrreeee arrrreeeee yooouuuuuu?"
-"No, no. Bad dog." Joelle
-"See ya!"
-"Be careful Mommy. Don't drop Jojo." (I was carrying her upstairs for her nap)
-"Eyes broken Mommy! Eyes broken!" She had soapy hands and she rubbed her eyes..sad..but funny.
-"Be careful Mommy. Don't drop Jojo." (I was carrying her upstairs for her nap)
-"Eyes broken Mommy! Eyes broken!" She had soapy hands and she rubbed her eyes..sad..but funny.
Some funny pictures (yes she is frequently just in her underwear in the mornings..mornings are a little chaotic at our house)
Feeding her baby. Somebody watches Momma to much..
I was looking for her one morning and this is where I found her..

Such a pretty girl!
Adelyn 18 months old..crazy how much her hair has grown!
Such a happy baby!
Nichole - These pictures are SO precious of your little 2 1/2 yr. old Adelyn! I love them! and the cute things she says.