Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leave of Absence??

Or not. I NEED to get better at this thing. One because I enjoy it. Two because I want my memories..or random thoughts. Third, it's fun to look back at what we (Adelyn) have been doing.
What have we been up to?!
I am almost 20 weeks pregnant. With twins. Don't you forget it. We found out last week Friday that we are having a boy and a girl! I couldn't be happier :) It was quite obvious, ok probably absolute, what each babies gender was. More on the babies later this week..if I'm not a slacker. We are still in the process of trying to find a van. A process which I hate immensely. It's like buying a house. We are always a day late and a dollar short. Sigh. I have had my first official week without Sophia. It's been helpful in some ways and yet I miss the companionship of Sophia (and Tiff). We are also in the process..key word: process..of the basement getting finished. Our plan of attack now is to drywall it, we are going to paint the floor, put rugs down and hopefully potentially put trim down. Depending on how poor we are at that point. Oh well..I just need it usable! Eric is doing the same ole, same ole. Working, working and more working. Now on to my favorite little person.
She is officially 18 months old. We had her well-baby visit last week Wednesday and she weighs 26lbs 3ozs, 75th percentile. Her height is 33.5inches, 95th percentile and her large head is in the 97th percentile. She only received one owie and is supposedly done with shots until she is 4. But I was told that she should get the flu shot. Thanks but no thanks. She says about 30 different words and we are working on saying please mama instead of whining for something. It's going rather well actually. I also have been sitting her on the toilet every night before bed and we just hang out for a minute or two and then she gets one M&M. Well tonight she went POTTY!! It made my heart smile. I would love to have her potty trained before the babies come..but am not quite sure how realistic that is. I would say tonight is a step in the right direction :) She is also back to not being allowed to have her paci downstairs and that transition went much smoother than the first time I transitioned her to no paci. We had a brief couple weeks, 2ish, where I had to allow it again because someone thought it was acceptable to bite Sophia. Um. No. Now she just bites things when she becomes angry and I tell her no bite and lead her to something else. She is one stubborn little girl. Armchair parenting is definitely not effective in the slightest with her. Not that it should ever be allowed but hey sometimes I get lazy (or just pregnant and exhausted chasing an 18 month old) and preach from my throne on the couch. The word no is not effective with her either. I can say it nicely or holler and neither have any effect. Eric would say she is my daughter. I guess I can't argue. The girl knows what she wants.

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