Thursday, August 12, 2010

20 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along:
20 weeks
Weight gain: 6lbs
Babies weight: 10oz boy, 9oz girl (at 19wk Ultrasound)
Movement: Yes! Our little boy is quite the mover. He's going all the time. Our little girl likes to give big hard kicks when she moves. I think most of the time she is trying to stay quiet and avoid her brother...who, the last two times we have seen them, has been kicking some part of her.
Symptoms: Crazy dreams. Also came to the conclusion today (at my Doc's appointment) that I, once again, have pregnancy induced kidney stones AND pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Nothing new with the kidney stones, I had them with Adelyn. They aren't painful, just yucky symptoms. The carpal tunnel however I am not excited about. My hands have been going numb/asleep when I lay down and he said with it showing up this early I will probably be in braces by the end of my pregnancy. Yay.
What I miss: My energy.
Cravings: Winshueller's cheese!! I still haven't gotten some... (I know I totally butchered the spelling but am to lazy to look it up).
Best moments this week: The doctor confirming that their are no visible problems with the babies!!!
What I am looking forward to: Getting a van. Sad. But true. The jetta is starting to be too small for me to get Adelyn in and out of and it is a strain on my back to buckle her in, change her diaper etc. The basement being finished. DECORATING the babies room =)
Names: The girls name is essentially decided and we have two boys names picked out so I told Eric he has to decide since I like them both :)

Today marks the big halfway point, to 40 weeks, which I do NOT plan on going that long! I had my appointment with Dr. Taylor this morning and he said everything is looking good. My goal remains to make it to 36 weeks, anything from there is fair game :)

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