Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun Summer Ideas

I saw this on another blog I read and I read through all the posts because I wanted to gather up as many ideas as I could!

~Paint with pudding (on the table, paper or your BODY!)..or finger paint if you are feeling daring
~Put flour on the kitchen table and play cars in it. You can also add fun cups or whatever your heart desires
~Make playdoh. Play with said playdoh
~Go to a local farm and ask (or call ahead) to look around
~Have a picnic on the living room floor
~Build a fort
~Fill a container with dried beans and scoop them , sort them, drive cars through them, shovel them etc
~Have a letter of the week. Draw a picture pertaining to said letter, hide uppercase and lowercase of that specific letter around the house and find them, bake something with that letter
~Bake cookies and decorate w/ whatever holiday is coming up
~Sidewalk chalk
~Paint a wall indoors with chalkboard paint, instant rainy day chalk fun
~Popcorn balls..popcorn, 1 stick butter, 1 bag marshmallows. Pop popcorn, melt butter and marshmallows together, combine all ingredients, roll into balls and let cool.
~Fruit Loop here for the printable and instructions
~Marshghetti..Bag of marshmallows, box of spaghetti (regular not thin) and build something.
~Games..board games, card games, etc
~Twist pipe cleaners into glasses, animals or jewelry
~Water balloons
~Paint the driveway or fence with water..use sponges or just spray
~Make popsicles..try layering with fruit, yogurt, juice
~Wash the car
~Have a dance party and play all kinds of music
~Play hide and seek
~Write or draw in shaving cream
~Work in the yard together..pulling weeds, planting flowers, planting/picking vegetables
~Make a pine cone bird feeder
~Learn to sort laundry
~Help clean the house..give them a damp cloth, swiffer, duster and have them go to town
~Dictate a letter to a friend or grandparent while mom writes and take a trip to the mailbox
~Make an obstacle course
~Go on a campout
~Hide easter eggs and have kids hunt for them
~Have a scavenger hunt..find a blue sock, a purple shirt, a pine cone etc.
~Play "I Spy"
~Go bird watching/listening. Can you find a cardinal or robin?
~Play tag
~Books on CD
~Mystery an object in a bag and let them feel it and guess what it is
~Build your own pizza
~Have a tea party
~Fill a tub with water and set it on a towel..go to town!
~Barnes and Nobles story time..every Tuesday morning..or check our your local library!
~Fun Crayons..break up your old crayons, put them in a silicone tray with fun shapes and bake them until they melt. Abut 7 minutes at 275. When they re-harden, the crayons make great funky colors

~Sidewalk paint..make with equal parts cornstarch and water..then add food coloring. Enjoy!!
~Homemade bubbles..1 C. water, 2T. light corn syrup, 4T. dish washing soap
~Make your own silly puddy..mix 4 parts Elmer's glue with 1 part Borax, add food coloring and store in a plastic baggy
~Make a collage with old magazines
~Fun snacks..cookie cutters and bread to make cinnamon toast

Fun ideas I picked up from many other blogs and wanted to have them all in one spot for later use :)

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