Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You know you have a toddler when...

*she talks to every mannequin you pass at Kohl's.
*she spits her food out on the table, you tell her that's gross, so she starts spitting her food out all the time and telling YOU it's gross.
*she pushes in your husband's chair because he can't remember to do it.
*she constantly asks "waz tat?" even after telling you waz tat is.
*she knows faster than the other person on the phone when I want to end a conversation...and starts saying bye. repeatedly.
*she's actually getting the hang of saying "peas" every time she wants something.
*she might love dogs more than she loves people.
*she poops in the tub.
*if you tell her we are going bye bye, we have to leave. RIGHT. NOW. be continued.

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