Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2016.  We were all super bummed we weren't in Mackinac.  But alas.  Life.  We couldn't miss Adelyn's dance recital.  So here we are ;)

Eric woke up early and made us a delicious breakfast of...oatmeal.  I told him the other day my new life mission is to teach him to cook.  I must begin.  I also always tell him I'm afraid I'm going to die and our kids will be stuck eating boxed Mac and Cheese for the rest of their life.  BUT.  I did not have to cook the oatmeal.  And that's what counts.

We ate, went to church, we went to Art in the Park for a little bit and came home and had lunch.  I took a nap, which is always winning and then we went to Eric's brother Scott's house for supper with the Fitz family.  Yum.

Can't miss out on a picture when we all look nice.

This is real life.  :)

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