The kids have been begging (and begging) to go fishing with Papa. Dad decided he could go with all 3...if I came with. Mom watched Lincoln and off we went. We went to Pine Lake. Papa had been fishing there a couple times already this year and supposedly the bluegills were on their beds. To which I always raise my eyebrows. I've had rare experiences where the fish were biting well. I love to go fishing but the fish have to be doing something. I get bored when they aren't biting. I've read many a book on the boat. My dad could park himself out there all day and just hang out with his pole in the water not doing anything.
Alas, we got in, found a spot and the fish were biting!! The kids were elated.
Joelle caught the first beauty.

B caught the next one!! We found out my casting needs some serious improvement. But I can still put a worm on and take a fish off like a pro.
Adelyn caught the third one! They were some beauties.
Initially, today was supposed to rain. Then it was supposed to be really cloudy all day. So I didn't bring sunscreen. (My dad normally has some on the boat also) We get out there. And it's supremely sunny. After an hour on the lake I was really starting to fret for my children's skin. And Dad's sunscreen is missing. A couple days ago we went to the beach and Joelle and I got really burnt. So there was that too. So my dad dropped me off at the Marina that wasn't finished and, therefore, not operational. So I had to run up the road a quarter of a mile and go to the store. Thankfully there was one.
We found a nice shady spot for lunch and while we ate, Dad did this. Because this is how well the fish were biting. We did catch quite a few small ones, which is kinda annoying, but I did not care because it was fun and keeps the kids entertained.
THAT is a nice one.
Then we saw some turtles. And had to go turtle hunting.
There were quite a few.
Always a great time fishing. When the fish are biting. We were out there all day and nobody dumped nobody else overboard AND nobody had to pee AND we didn't have to do emergency surgery on anyone because they got hooked. Winning.
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