Adelyn has worked really hard at her recital all year. We were so excited to see the showing! It was a lot of fun seeing all the dances the girls put on. If I had to make one change, I would get a sitter for Lincoln. I managed to make it through Adelyn's performance but then missed the last 2/3 of the recital. After I gave him his 8th Dum Dum sucker I headed out.
This is the Saturday before the Sunday recital. You are not allowed to take pictures or video during the recital...but can at the practice. Note to self::charge the camera batteries before you go. I was so mad. So these are all with my cell phone. Wah.
It was hysterically cute. They all look at each other to see the next part that they are supposed to be doing. Between them all, and the teachers dancing to the side and behind the curtains, they did great :)
The day of the recital. Oh my word. She is adorable. Can I just mention how much Adelyn hates ballet buns? HATES. Her hair is so long and I have to wind it so much, she hates how tight it is. But we arrived at this and she deemed it "fine."

After her performance we had to snap some pictures.
They are the cutest.
Grandma and Adelyn
Papa, Nana and Adelyn
Me and my sweet girl
We make some cute kids.
Again. Real life.
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