Have I mentioned it's April? Hmph.
My sweet boy and I
The chickens got booted to the garage. I was sick of the dust and the feathers floating in the pantry. They were most certainly running out of space in their Christmas tote. And winter was supposed to be over. I closed the garage door and said good luck. They made it.
We started doing date afternoon's. Nana comes over Monday afternoon's and I take out a child per week. We are all in love.
Movie night. Because we don't have a couch in the basement. Eating popcorn is the only way we can get Lincoln to watch TV.
It's a rough life.
Wah. I'm going to miss super cute one piece outfits.

This chicken is lucky we caught it at the right moment.
Eric's mom's cousin came into town from Canada so we all went out to lunch.
Oh how I love this picture.
It is miraculous we have not had any stitches or broken bones.
"Don't take my picture."
Picking bouquets of dandelions.
"It's bright out."
Lincoln was driving his car across the keyboard. Then he shut the screen. Repetitively. I nearly cried. Dell wanted $300 to fix it. I nearly cried again. Thankfully Eric could buy a screen and replace it himself. For $40.
I went to the bulk store in Pullman and bought stuff to make my own chicken food. This is what it looked like when I left.
We went to the zoo with friends. Lincoln started getting his hives.
This is what he looked like when we left. Makes me mad.
Again. Life's rough.
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