Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

We haven't carved pumpkins since....before Adelyn.  Last year, my mom took pity on my kids and carved with them.  Afterwards she said "Yep, that was a lot of work."  I just nodded my head and smiled.  
This year we brought our A game.  Adelyn saw a neighbors painted pumpkin and decided that's what she was going to do.  I bought paints, read up on how to do it, we got our tools out and off we went.

Adelyn painting

Brecken did all of his scooping and all the carving except the mouth.  We live dangerously.

Lincoln got in on the action and played with pumpkin guts.  Less clothes=less mess. Don't judge.

See?  Older, self-sufficient children and you can carve your pumpkin while they carve theirs.  Bliss. 

Joelle wanted to paint AND carve.

B's finished pumpkin

J's finished pumpkin.

Super bummed I didn't get a picture of them all together.  Next year, my friends, next year.

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