Saturday, October 31, 2015


This years Halloween theme is brought to you by::
The Wizard of Oz!

We were so excited for this theme.  I wanted something semi-easy but fun.  I asked my good buddy Lindsey if she would make the Dorothy costume and she did me one better.  She made the costume AND had a lion costume we could borrow for Lincoln.  We had everything except for a wand and a crown for Glinda and I made the Tin-Man.

 I was a good little Momma and took them to Downtown Zeeland for the business tour.  Every year, I'm like "iiiffff the weather is nice, I'll go."  I never say anything to them because then hopes get up, hopes get dashed and I might as well be the devil.

Halloween night came along nice and rainy and cold like.  #PureMichigan.  We didn't let that stop us.  I packed L in the carrier and we borrowed some large umbrellas from Papa and Grandma.  
First stop::Papa and Grandma's!

They just don't get any better looking than that.

Then we went to the neighborhood across the street from them.  They have, ahem, larger houses.  We didn't make it very far and it started pouring.  B and J were done.  A wanted to keep going.  So I went with her.  Then she decided she was done too ;)  We came home to dry off and the rain tapered off so we went down our street a bit.  Then we went off to our next stop.

Papa and Nana's!

Because no night is complete without the streaking of the Tin-Man, sans Tin-Man costume.  Yes, my son is out there running off some energy in his undies.  No judging.

Pictures of the Wizard of Oz.  Since Halloween night was oh so pleasant, I waited until it was freezing cold at the end of November to take these.  I missed all the multiple prior 60 degree days and waited until it was in the 40's.  I'm really thoughtful like that.

But at least they are cute!

Dorothy.  In a couple years we are going to do it again and have Joelle be Dorothy.  She is very excited:)

Glinda the Good Witch

The Tin-Man.  I got so many "Best costume of the night!" when we went out.  Not that I'm bragging or anything.  Alas the poor Tin-Man couldn't do steps very well and certainly couldn't sit down.  It added to the charm.

"I want to show everyone how I chop down a tree!"  Be scared, people, be scared.  When we had Trunk or Treat at church we decided it would be best if the ax stayed home.  We told him it was because we didn't want any of his friends to run off with it.  Inside, we were worried he would do this TO his friends.  I know my buddy Erinn thanked me for that.

The Cowardly Lion.  Our lion really isn't very cowardly.  He's quite cheesy.  I took 20 or so pictures of him.  Every.single.face is like this.

Dorothy wanted a picture with the Lion.  The Lion, not so much.

That's better :)

This was my favorite year.  But I say that every year.  I'm in Halloween just for the costumes.  My kids are in it for the candy.

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