This little dude is getting sooo big. He prefers walking to crawling. He isn't completely comfortable walking but he is getting faster and faster. He is looking (and acting) like such a toddler.
-weigh 25lbs 9oz, 85th percentile
-31in tall, 42nd percentile
-head circumference off the charts. I told Eric, a couple days ago, you have a big head because you are so smart. He laughed and said why does he cram paper in his mouth constantly?! Maybe because you are absorbing the words off the paper. He's short, fat and has a gigantic head. Good thing he's cute!
-you wear a size 5'ish shoe. We haven't decided if you just have the world's fattest feet or if you have an unnaturally high arch...or something else. We have the hardest time getting your feet into anything but a Robeez or PediPed type shoe. You were wearing some Old Navy shoes while we were at Costco. You were kinda crabby and then you just started screaming. You.would.not.stop. Which NEVER happens. So we just left. I had more errands to run and tried to do one more but you wouldn't stop screaming. Eric said "I bet it's the shoes.." I said "no way. They were an inch to long. There's no way his shoes are to small." Screams the whole way down the highway. We get to the exit and I pull his shoes off. Instantaneously stops. His feet were so swollen and he had marks where all the holes were. Then I tried all his shoes and I could only find one pair that would fit him. Even though they were all longer than his feet. We shall see what the doctor says. Verdict in! You have a high arch and wide feet. Super. :)
-18mo, 18-24 mo clothes
-wear a size 4 diaper during the day and a size 5 at night
-you say mama, dada, uh-oh (anytime you throw your food on the floor, chuck your cup on the floor, anything falls on the floor etc), hot, dow (down), ni-ni (night-night), jo-jo, go, tat (point and say "tat?"), bye bye, what
-wave bye bye all.the.time.
-sleep from 8-6. Sometimes you will go back to sleep. Sometimes you don't. Then you just lay in bed for an hour or two banging on the walls and talking. Sometimes you need a morning nap. You usually just take a 10-30 minute snoozer and then you'll liven up. You will take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. We are working on your sleep. BUT. It is a vast improvement to waking in the middle of the night. Multiple times.
-nurse 3-4 times a day. Rarely morning and night if we are doing something. But then you get awfully cranky late afternoon because you missed your naptime boob.
-started walking around 2 weeks ago. You much prefer walking and are getting faster and faster.
-you are such a climber. You climbed the piano the other day. You pushed a box over and climbed straight to the top. Argh.
-you are still quite the goat. You rip and eat and shred paper all.the.time.
-you hate the church nursery. Just hate it. I'll set you down by toys and not even walk away. You just wail. So we have been going to the first service and you just sit with us. You go through a box of raisins and an applesauce but you do pretty well.
-you have 6 teeth. I'm really hoping your other bottom two come through soon. You keep chewing on your fingers. So hopefully.
-changing your diaper (has been) like wrestling an elephant. We are seeing signs of improvement but if you are in a mood. Watch out.
-you love to ride in the car. Sometimes you get TICKED when we buckle you in. But the second the car starts moving you are fine.
-you love the playground. We all go to classes on Saturdays. Everyone has swim in the morning, then we all go to A's dance class. It's at the Early Childhood Center and you just love playing.
-you are loving the trampoline. You think it's the funniest thing ever.
-any time I walk past you, you swing your arms up so fast, wanting to be held.
-you love to give kisses
-love clapping, playing "so big" and peek-a-boo
-you love to dance and laugh
-you think the bathtub is the coolest thing ever
-when Daddy comes home you say"Dada!" and get so excited. Cutest thing ever.
-you have FINALLY started bringing us books to read. You love turning the pages and get so excited when you see animals. And it HAS to be a book with paper pages. If we try to give you a board book you violently shake your head no and chuck it, if we give it to you. Then you'll go and get one with real pages. Sigh.
-love clapping, playing "so big" and peek-a-boo
-you love to dance and laugh
-you think the bathtub is the coolest thing ever
-when Daddy comes home you say"Dada!" and get so excited. Cutest thing ever.
-you have FINALLY started bringing us books to read. You love turning the pages and get so excited when you see animals. And it HAS to be a book with paper pages. If we try to give you a board book you violently shake your head no and chuck it, if we give it to you. Then you'll go and get one with real pages. Sigh.
-you are the baldest of our babies. I have cut your hair twice though. It is just pin straight and doesn't curl at all. When it gets long on your neck it looks ridiculous.

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