Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fall Swim Lessons

We are wanting to keep up on swim lessons.  Both Adelyn and Brecken started swimming solo when we were in North Carolina.  We enrolled them for fall swim lessons.  We want to do it again in January.

When Adelyn started the first day, they had her in a group of 2's.  They bumped her up to the 3's.  There was one other kid that got bumped up and you could tell that they were a little behind the other kids but I love that they pushed her.  She was so bummed that she was in a class with all boys but we talked about how she could focus on swimming instead of chatting and ended up loving it.  ;)

 "Bobs" at the wall.

Little L

 Swimming across the pool

I have 5/6 of these pictures.  B looks like this in

B had a class of....boys.  He was off swimming laps and the rest of them weren't listening.  I'm sure he had his moments but, this day, he was a rock star.

This sweet girl was with her class on the steps.  She really grew this round of lessons.  She jumped in by herself and got her face wet without a fit.

Adelyn swimming.  No flotation devices.  Yay!

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