Eric took the kids to Adelyn's dance lesson. He sent me this picture of Lincoln. No fear.
He is a climbing lunatic.

This is one of his favorite places to play right now. He climbs in and just sits there and throws things out or plays with the things in there.
This is real for us people. So real. He takes a bite out of every single one. We buy them by the half bushel too. That's a lot of apples.

Please notice the cute baby. Then notice the food and toys all over the floor.
They wouldn't let him go down in the basement. He wasn't so thrilled. So I gave him a boobie. Boobies make everything better.

Salsa and tomato sauce.
Girls day and we stopped at Wolfgang's first. Eric was jealous.
Outside Robinette's. We went wine tasting.
He must have had a bath. He looks all oiled up.
Again with the climbing. Maybe it's that outfit...
Park day...

So, so handsome.
Adelyn was telling me about her picture (I was asking questions because I was more curious if she knew who her Prince Charming was...thankfully she doesn't). She starts laughing hysterically and says I forgot Daddy's clothes. Bahahahaha. I'm saving this one.
We've been outside. A lot.
Adelyn brought a friend to Awana on Halloween night and she got to throw a pie in a leader's face. She knew right away that she wanted to throw a pie in Gracie and Myla's dad's face. Sorry Lance.
My little blue eyed boy fell on the marble run. Sliced his lip right open. This is after he had a run in with big brother and ripped the frenulum on his lip.
Everything goes into the toilet. Ev.ery.thing. This is my glasses case. Which I had to wash out. Tasty. My retainer case has gone in (I threw it away bc I had an extra), his stuffed camel (I washed it), various combs and brushes that got thrown away and little pieces brother and sisters leave laying around. Ironically he never tosses the books or magazines in that are SITTING RIGHT ON TOP OF THE TOILET.
Adelyn's dance class got to wear their costumes.