Sunday, August 16, 2015

Shackleford Island

We went to Shackleford Island on Sunday.  I do not have any pictures of the kids playing on the island.  For that, I weep.  No one else did either...

Instead I leave you with a picture of a dragonfly that thought the butt of Eric's shorts looked awesome...

And pictures of horses.  I did not have my zoom lens.  Keep that in mind.  ;)

Momma and her baby.  This little guy couldn't have been super old.  But not super new...  My dad first saw him and {please note I keep saying him} says "Look!!!  He's brand new!!!  He still has his umbilical cord!!!"  We all stare at each other....  "'s not an umbilical cord."  He still insists to this day it was.  Sorry dad.

Oh my goodness.  See how half of us are itching in this picture?  The other half of us had probably just got done itching.  The flies and bugs were sooooo bad by the horses.  Awful, awful, awful.  Like they would leave blood dripping down your legs awful.  At the beach, the sand fleas were just about the worst thing ever.  They looooooooooooooved Josh, for whatever reason.  He stayed in the ocean the whole time.  And Joelle decided it would be fun to bury her head in the sand.  She itched for days.  I took her in the ocean to rinse some of them out.  We do not allow life jackets off in oceans or lakes.  So she had it on.  Well we took it off  so I could get the top of her head and she {to this beautiful day in April} refers to it as the time I almost drowned her.  It was very wavy and I had to get her head wet.  So a wave may or may not have rolled over her entire head.  I can not rightly say.

Despite all the terrible itching, sand fleas, bloody bug bites, smell of horse poop and exhausting hiking, I will always want to go to Shackleford when we go to North Carolina.

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