Friday, August 21, 2015

North Carolina Day 12::Tryon Gardens

Second to last day.  Wah.  Lincoln trying to bust in and make a mess.  Brecken in his undies again.  This is normal.

Sweet girl reading to her brother and sister

We decided to try to go to Tryon Gardens.  Despite the looming storm.  ;)

Brecken and Joelle were elated.  Look closely because I was trying to capture the drool that they both had streaming down their faces.
They had a really cool kids museum area.  We headed there first while the weather cleared out.

They had different stations set up and you had to follow the instructions.  This one explained how to sail a ship.

Lincoln did a great job sweeping the floors.
The entrance to the gardens and palace.  It was beautiful.

So may cool areas.
Pomegranate Tree

One of the only pictures of Eric and I and he's wearing his bug shirt.  Winning.

She wanted to pick a statue to pose by with her little animal.

He is my brown baby.

They were so scared to be sitting on this branch.  And the fruit was falling off the tree so they thought they were going to get hit.  Hahaha

One of the mansions.  So pretty.

We got split up from my family.  We found them again.  While we were sitting here conversing, I'm realizing I'm getting bit.  Then B and J start SCREAMING.  The fire ants in NC are not kind.  I hoisted both of them under my arms and we took off.  Got back on the paved path and our feet were covered.  They turned into these pus filled bumps.  Being the person I am, I pinched mine.  Oh so painful.  Made them ten times worse.  I pinched one of Joelle's.  She screamed at me and told me not to touch any more.  Imagine that, the ones I didn't pinch on the kids cleared up faster than the ones I pinched on myself.

Vegetable garden

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