Saturday, August 15, 2015

North Carolina::Days 1-6

My mom and I, and the kids, left for NC Sunday night.  We got there around noon on Monday morning.  I hate the drive.  I think I slept an hour.  I drove until 2:30am and then my mom drove the rest of the way.  She drove through the mountains and that is not fun for anyone.  The kids did so well.  Adelyn promises she stayed awake to make it through the tunnel.  Which would have been around 4.  She must have been dozing on and off though.  Brecken and Joelle slept the whole way.  Lincoln slept great too.  I woke him to feed him once. 

Monday and Tuesday we spent settling in, visiting Josh and Marianne and going to bed early.  Tuesday there was a tornado warning while Josh and Marianne were at work.  I had left to take the kids swimming on base and my mom was baking at their house.  The second there is any thunder in the area they shut the pool down, so we head back to our room to get dressed and go back to the house.  It develops into a tornado warning (one was sighted a county over) while we are getting dressed.  We head back and find out that my mom walked to the store and back IN A TORNADO WARNING.  On the way back from the store, someone picked her up to bring her back to Josh's.  Down in the south, they consider hitch-hiking a normal and safe way to travel.  Only here in the north, would we never ride in someone else's vehicle.  Also, only in the south people continue driving and traversing around while there is a tornado warning.  Here in the north, we would be hiding in our basements.  I asked Josh what we should do.  He said the TEQ was the safest place.  I said we weren't there, we were at his house.  He said you'll be finnnneeee.  It won't come through.  He was right.  It didn't.

Wednesday we headed into New Bern to visit the Firemen Museum.  We had the place to ourselves and they gave us a nice little tour of everything.  The kids loved looking at all the old fire trucks and couldn't believe what they looked like in the 1900's.

The one and only fire truck they got to sit on.

Lincoln's face.  Ha!

Nana and the grandkids.  Brecken didn't want to be in the picture.  He was off fiddling with an old phone that he wasn't supposed to be touching.

Wheeeeeeere's Brecken?!

There he is!  Lincoln is going to be the same size as him someday...  Side note::Look at Joelle's face.  Pretty much how we all feel when Lincoln is flinging things around.

Here's a good one:)

Thursday was the albino turtle's birthday at Pine Knolls Aquarium.  We can get in free because of reciprocity with JBZ.  Woot.  And it's an awesome aquarium.  They had some special events because of the special day so you know we had to attend.

B and J checking out the sting rays.  Look at those cute little butts.

Adelyn touching a horseshoe crab

Gotta have the classic pictures.

Coloring and making a paper plate turtle.

Brecken and Joelle were searching through the sand for things that could hurt a sea turtle.

Adelyn working on hard on her craft

Friday.  Beach day!!  Ooohhh do the Fitzgerald's love them some ocean.  Clearly Josh and Marianne do too.

The water was soooo warm.  The kids all loved swimming in it.  Lincoln loved it too.  He loved eating the sand more.  He never eats it at home so it has to be because it's salty.  

When you have been at the beach all day this is how you feel about getting back to the TEQ at 10:00.

Saturday.  Daddy and Papa drove down together and arrived in the morning.  Auntie and Sean drove down and arrived in the morning too!

Little B helping Uncle Josh get firewood together for a fire.

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