Not very many cell phone pictures this month. Most of the month we were in North Carolina.
We went to see Brian Reagan with some friends. It was pretty awesome:) We went to PF Changs before the event. Yum.
My hot date:)
My cousin borrowed our trailer for a week and we went to visit them one day. B couldn't play nice at the park so I had told him if he was mean again he had to stay by me. Guess what? He was. But at least he got to dig in the dirt ;)
These two cuties loooooove sleeping together. They are so attached to each other.
And I am so attached to cuddling him. Probably why he doesn't sleep all night.
My truck. Don't catch this often.
Lil stinker at the splash pad.
My Aunt and Uncle have 10 acres in Allendale. Grassfields contacted them and wanted them to take 5 of their pregnant cows for the summer. They would have their baby's at my Uncle and Aunt's and then Grassfield's would come take the cow's/baby's back. I said she was on "Call the Midwives" for cows.
Aren't they purdy?
The kids looooove them. Adelyn loves them from a distance. She is NOT a animal lover. We have had some bad experiences with dogs.

One came close so we could pet it:)

This. Everything I want to say.