Monday, August 31, 2015

August Phone Dump

Not very many cell phone pictures this month.  Most of the month we were in North Carolina.

We went to see Brian Reagan with some friends.  It was pretty awesome:)  We went to PF Changs before the event.  Yum.

My hot date:)

My cousin borrowed our trailer for a week and we went to visit them one day.  B couldn't play nice at the park so I had told him if he was mean again he had to stay by me.  Guess what?  He was.  But at least he got to dig in the dirt ;)

These two cuties loooooove sleeping together.  They are so attached to each other.

And I am so attached to cuddling him.  Probably why he doesn't sleep all night.

My truck.  Don't catch this often.

Lil stinker at the splash pad.

My Aunt and Uncle have 10 acres in Allendale.  Grassfields contacted them and wanted them to take 5 of their pregnant cows for the summer.  They would have their baby's at my Uncle and Aunt's and then Grassfield's would come take the cow's/baby's back.  I said she was on "Call the Midwives" for cows.

Aren't they purdy?

The kids looooove them.  Adelyn loves them from a distance.  She is NOT a animal lover.  We have had some bad experiences with dogs.

One came close so we could pet it:)

 This.  Everything I want to say.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

GNS Work Party

We had Eric's work party at the Whitecaps and AJ's Family Fun this year.  We missed Michigan's Adventure.  But we had a lot of fun here.

Riding the go-karts.  The girls wanted to ride with Mommy and the boy wanted to ride with Daddy.  Mommy calls that a win.
Daddy and Brecken
Joelle and Momma

We did bumper tubes next.  Adelyn was pretty excited because she could it by herself.

Here's where I peaced out to feed Lincoln and Eric took the big kids mini-golfing.  I fed Lincoln in the truck and met Eric and the kids to head into the stadium.

Ended up being a great night.  Everyone did really well and we even stayed a while into the game.

Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School::2015

We had our first day of homeschool August 24 and Adelyn started HC2 on September 2.  We went to Target to pick up a couple supplies for HC2 and told her she could pick a new outfit for her first day.  She picked this one.  Not my first choice and I tried to persuade her into something else.  Eric told me to let it go.  I will say, she is pretty cute.

When we went for Meet the Teachers night they had this fun sign out.

First homeschool day.  Of course, we have to get these questions answered.  They are important.  I love listening to what they come up with.

Can't wait to spend the year with these sweet babies.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

North Carolina::The Way Home

On our way home from NC we stopped at the big zoo.  We like to really tire the kids out before hopping in the car for 17 hours.  The hope is that they sleep a long ways.  HA.  It.was.awesome.  They had so many animals there that are hard to find in zoos.  They had them in really cool habitats too.

Brecken and Joelle checking out the zebras and giraffes.


Everybody acting all scurred about a bird way up high

This was one cool looking bird.  But super duper weird.  It kept hopping around pretending it's wing was hurt.  It would be fine but then you would step closer and it would flop.  Must be some defensive mechanism.

On the train ride.  He looks so tiny.

Polar bear!  He was doing some sensory activities with that big plastic bottle ;)

They had an AWESOME play area.  If we had known about that first, we would have gone there first.  Alas, we found about it last and it was closing time.

We really wanted to see the elephants.  It was time for the park to close so we were totally "those people."  Whoops.

Then the kids all wanted to take pictures with the cell phone.

Beautiful sunset heading into the city.

Sleepy Fitz kids.  They always wrap themselves up...and cover their heads with blankets.  Ha.

My favorite mountain.  Pilot Mountain.  We hiked it last time we came through.