Thursday, June 18, 2015

Swim Lessons

We signed up with swimming lessons with one group of friends and ended up there with two groups of friends!  Fun times.  The girls were so excited to be in the same group.  For the final lesson., parents can stay and watch the progress that was made.

Adelyn is quite insistent that going underwater doesn't happen unless if you have goggles.  I had her do most of her lessons without them.  For the final one I let her take them.


This sweet boy.  1 month to 1 year.  Oh so sad.

 These sweet girls are great friends.

B diddy has NO fear.

Adelyn does great jumping in...with her goggles ;)

I'm not sure what happened to Joelle in these...  I think I tried to get her but her group was over on the step so I couldn't really get a good picture.  Next time, little lady, next time.

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