Monday, June 29, 2015

Cherry Picking and Hot Tub Moving

We went cherry picking with Daddy opening day.  We picked loads 30 pounds.  We gave a bunch to Grandma and Papa and we ate the rest.  Whoops.  I wanted a bunch to freeze.  Last year I picked 40 pounds and Eric had a heart attack.  He didn't think there was any way we would eat them all.  They were gone by Christmas.  I wanted to get at least 50 pounds.  I froze a ton of strawberries this year and my plan is to freeze a bunch of blueberries too.  I didn't have either of those last year.  So hopefully between the three we can last a little bit longer than Christmas ;)

This little dude has this crazy high fever.  He has had it for a couple nights.  It goes away in the morning and then comes roaring back around lunch time.  We were going stir crazy AND he didn't have a fever.  So we just left to go picking.  He acts fine until the fever comes and then he is dead tired.  With a 105 (literally) fever all he does is sleep.  He was picking great.  Then he started slowing down.  Then he lay down and fell asleep.

Had to get some pictures of all our cherries and all the kids.  Sleeping or not.

Poor boy.

We came home to this.  We had our new neighbors move in a week ago and they absolutely didn't want the hot tub.  Last night they were trying to move it off the deck with 6 men.  It wasn't happening.  They came back with this.  Seems a little unnecessary.  Maybe they should have just kept the hot tub...

I wanted to hollar "You can just drop it right there...WE will use it."

And then there was this.  Torrential downpours.  And sun.  Always creepy.

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