Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lincoln::1 Year Pictures

We went to get this little guys 1 year pictures taken.  The mosquitos were the most memorable part.  They were so bad.  I had to take a shower when we got home.  I was covered in welts.  I showered all the kids too.  Eric, meanwhile, had one bite.  Lincoln, thankfully, got the least, after Eric.

This was our Christmas card picture.   Eric wants (and I agree) to get fewer professional pictures taken.  If we are completely honest, they can be expensive.  We have had so many done 1. Because we keep having lots of kids.  2.  Babies change.  A lot.  I told him we would use a picture from this session for our Christmas card.  Sometimes photographers run specials in the fall and then I get all excited and want to do those too.  We are going to start putting the kabosh on all our pictures.  ;)

I had to promise Adelyn a cookie to wear these pants.  She HATES them.  H A T E S.  She was pissed when I told her she had to wear them.  I quickly promised a cookie because I didn't want a tantrum.  And, because, family pictures.  Any kind of "wiggly" pant and she's out.  Any kind of wiggly shirt, for that matter, and she's out.  But she'll wear dresses all the live long year.  But no dresses with wiggly sleeves.  Argh.

What a stud muffin.

Oh the mosquitos.  I wish you could have heard the kids.  It was so bad.  Adelyn's swatting, Joelle's all scrunched up and that's Brecken's "get me out of here" face.

I covet his hair.

Sunlight.  Less mosquitos.  Happier kids.

I adore this picture.

And this one.  We are doing a camping/fishing theme for Lincoln's birthday.  I thought it would be really cute to get the boys "fishing" with some poles.  Eric was hyperventilating with Lincoln sitting on the edge of the dock.

The sweetness.

My grandma made this blanket for Lincoln when he was born.  He has some of his newborn pictures with it too.

He is such a JOY.

Birthday cake for a birthday boy.  Gluten, dairy, egg, nut free.  AND it tastes amazing.  Amen.

His wispy hair.

He is such a hoot.

This is one of my faves too.

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