The time flies so quickly. We are loving every minute with our little man. 2 months until he is 1. Gasp. Taking pictures of him, this time, proved to be...wonderful. It was really late and I really wanted a picture in the outfit he had on. He wasn't having it. So I'm using this picture I had to get of this outfit before I put it away. We always laughed when we put it on him. Little guy. Because he's not.
The pictures I tried to get. Wailing in one. A rattle in the other.

-I stepped on the scale with you and you were almost 24 pounds. Which is kinda funny. B was just over 22 pounds and J was almost 22 pounds. So you must be slowing down. I know they packed on a lot of weight once they started eating. It will be interesting to see where things end up at a year:)
-12-18mo and 18 mo clothes.
-size 3 diaper during the day, 4 at night.
-you nurse 4-6 times a day. Most of the time it's 5. An early morning feed, morning, lunch, before supper and bed. Sometimes you like to sneak in a middle of the night feed. Wondering if that's going to decrease or not...but don't really feel like doing anything to encourage it either. Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle were nursing...twice a this point. Whoops. Eric keeps poking fun, that he will be nursing until 48 months. Don't make me let go of my last baby. I promise I won't be that bad.
-will typically sleep 8-10 hours before waking up to eat. Usually go to bed around 8.
-you still adore eating. We haven't found a food you don't like. The greener the better. You eat all table food. I brought some baby food jars I still had in the freezer, to Mackinac, and we came home with most. You were not loving them.
-adore drinking water. Adore.
-adore drinking water. Adore.
-still doing the army crawl. I caught you doing it for a couple feet, the right way, but you were so slow you said forget it and dropped to your belly.
-you can do the stairs. You aren't super motivated to climb to the top. The highest you have gotten is the third. We still haven't put the gate up. I'm still holding onto hope that we can avoid it.
-love the water
-you are kinda a momma's boy. When people try to talk to you, you will smile at them and then bury your face in me.
-STILL NO TEETH. We shall see if Adelyn will hold her record at 11.5 months for no teeth or if you will beat her.
-love, love, love to laugh
-you are pulling yourself up everywhere. You won't walk move after that but you are pulling up on everything.
-love swinging
-love riding in the ergo. Wherever we go, I just strap you to me and away we go. Our neighbor commented the other day, when you were riding in the stroller, "I have never seen you in a stroller!" 4th child problems.
-love blowing raspberries
-still are not a fan of your toys. You would much rather destroy some paper or try to find the toilet. Or eat a shoe. Sigh. I am not a fan of baby-proofing so there is a lot of re-directing going on.
-I think we managed to avoid the whole thumb-sucking thing. Maybe it was a comfort thing, when I was eating stuff that bothered him. He hasn't done it in months.
-on that note, I am back to eating eggs. And butter. I will consume some dairy, if it's in things, but avoid it when I'm making/buying food. Still no gluten. Just introducing nuts. Still eating sun-butter but trying to eat more lara-bars and whole nuts. I'm mostly thankful that I can eat eggs again. And butter. And Lara-bars. It's the little things. 8 months of dairy/egg/nut free. 18 months and counting of gluten free. Never thought I would have to be "that" person.
. The littles at 10 months.

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