Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Homeschool Track and Field

We had our homeschool track and field events today.  The kids were SO excited.  They were each put in their own age range and separated by boy or girl.  Then they got to participate in about 5 different things.  Momma got stuck at the soccer kick.  I registered really late so I was stuck with the best job.  ;)  I had to chase a soccer ball all around while little kids kicked it.  Fun stuff.  All with a 25 pound infant strapped to your chest.

Adelyn in a race.

She is not my most athletic child.  But she sure tries hard.  And she loves it.  And that's all that matters.

J and a little friend chatting on the side.

B and his team.

A and B each came home with one ribbon.  "For participation."  Ha.ha.ha.  J came home with FOUR.  Eric and I laughed hysterically.  She is the least athletic.  By a long shot.  She got 1 first place ribbon, 2 second place ribbons and 1 for participation.  

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