Friday, May 22, 2015

Gone Fishin'

The kids got poles for Christmas....last year.  We haven't used them yet.  Gasp.  They have been asking and asking to go.  They were in Eric's car for a while.  We were going to bring them when we went to TriPonds.  Someone forgot them.  After we got Brecken's fishing game in Mackinac they asked when we could go fishing for real.  I told them when we got back.  So, you know, that was supposed to translate into Tuesday night.  Or Wednesday at the latest.  ;)  It was too cold when we got back so we planned for Friday.  We snagged Papa and Nana to come with and went to the gravel pits in Jenison.  We were going to fish right by the landing but it was too windy.  We had to walk back on some trails to get to a sheltered little spot.  Tossed in a few lines and caught some right away.

Admiring the fish.
Fishies.  Don't judge my Meijer bucket.  My laundry soap bucket ended up with a crack in the bottom (noticed AFTER I made a new batch of soap and half dripped out).  So I just grabbed what I saw when we went to pick up bobbers and hooks in the morning.

Oh, they are so cute.

"We" caught five.  Adelyn reeled in one, Brecken reeled in two and Joelle reeled in two.  One swallowed the hook so that was fun.  We forgot pliers so my dad had to rip it out.  We threw it in our bucket but then Joelle was all upset that it was "bleeding all over the other fishies."  So I threw it down the shore.

We wanted to get pictures of the kids holding one.  Papa had to give lessons in holding them.  They wouldn't hold them the traditional way because they were to afraid the fins would poke them.  So Papa got them to hold them this way.  Then we had to have a long talk that no, fish do not have teeth (this kind anyways..) so it was ok to hold them by the mouth.

It was 5:30 here.  Lincoln missed his 4:00 boob.  Nana took him on a walk and danced around with him and he was fine.

B holding his fish

So proud!

Cute Joelle

Pretty little lady
The kids had so much fun.  And so did we.  Eric and I took them to the State Park on Memorial Day but it was WAY too windy.  The kids got cold and said let's try again we will.

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