Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The New Tramp-o-line

These boxes have been sitting in our garage since November.  That's a long time.  And a whole lot of boxes.  I had Eric promise me that we would get it up this week.  Then, when I looked at the weather for the week, I realized that probably wouldn't happen.  Kinda hard to do when the forecast is RAIN all week.  So.  I put it together myself.  With the worst directions ever written.  No joke.  I can pretty much put anything together that doesn't involve power tools.  This one tested my patience.  I called Eric home on lunch to help me flip over the metal part.  Turns out, I could have done it myself if I had put it together differently.  They tell you to match the zipper opening for the enclosure to a t-joint but not WHICH t-joint.  So I put that on wrong.  Adelyn tied all the ties on the red pad.  Literally about 100.  We had to un-tie them all and take all the springs back off, to rotate it.  I was hoping to have it ready before the kids went to Awana.  No such luck.  They were so sad.  I had Eric come back home after dropping them off and he re-did the whole pad while I put the enclosure up.  Then we let them jump on it when they got home.

They were in love.  And so am I.  Don't be jealous of my pajamas.

They love to sit and have me/Eric bounce them.

Then we all chased each other.  And watched hundreds of bats fly over head.  Gross.

They ask all the time "when they can go jump."  It's been a little crappy because its all wet all morning from dew/frost.  Then the weather has been oh, so beautiful.  Oh well.  Looooots of fun.

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