Sunday, March 22, 2015


I was writing some things down for Adelyn to copy...
A: You connected those letters together.  I do not know how to do that.  You have to do it the right way.

A: I was Elsa, Joelle was Anna and Brecken was Olaf.
B: What were Mommy and Daddy?
A: The trolls.

Me: What are you going to buy with your money?
B: Crackers that are not gluten free

B: I want my hair long like Mommy's and Adelyn's.
Nana: How about short like Daddy's?
B: No!!! Then it will start falling out!!!
A: I want a boy.
Me: You keep telling people you want a girl. 
A: Well, I want a girl.  But I really want a boy so we can have 2 boys and 2 girls.

A: Who is the tooth fairy?
Me: Who do you think the tooth fairy is?
A: God
Me: Do you think God will bring you money?
A: Nooooo
Me: Who brings your presents?
A: People
Me: So who do you think the tooth fairy is?
A: Mommy and Daddy!
Me: Yup :)
A: Will you take my tooth away?
Me: Yes
A: Can I have it back?  I really want to put it in my jewelery box where I keep my special things.

Me: I have to go to the bathroom when we go into the store.
B: You are not allowed to go to the bathroom!  You should have gone before we left the house!  You will have to wait.
(So that's how I sound)
Me: Well, I always let you go if you have to go really bad, right?
B: {Grumbling}

A:Why is that policeman sitting there?
Me: He's watching for somebody to go really fast and then he will pull them over and give them a ticket.
A: Why?
Me: There are rules for how fast you can drive on the road.  When you disobey them, he punishes you by giving you a ticket.  Mommy and Daddy would have to pay money if he gave them a ticket.  See those white signs with numbers?  Those tell us how fast we can go.
.....on the way home.
A: Mommy!!!  You are going 66!!!  It's 65!!!  You need to slow down!!!!
Me: can go a little faster.  Just not a lot.
.....a little while later.
A: Mommy!!!  You are going 80!!!  The sign just said 70!!!  He is going to give us a ticket!!!
 I never should have taught her to read signs.

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