I had to schedule his 1 year appointment. Waaaaaaaaaaaah. It's gone too fast. Along with my 4th child has come a serious decrease in tolerance of crying. Good thing he doesn't cry much. But it may have something to do with him not sleeping through the night and his chubbiness. Giving him a boob is much easier. Someday I shall sleep. Maybe before I'm dead. Maybe.
The one sock wonder took his sock off in the van to use as a chew toy. I haven't put it back on.

-22lbs 4oz, 87th percentile.
-28 1/4inch, 37th percentile. This just seems wrong. At every specialist office we have been to, they measure him as long. Every time, at his ped, they measure him short. Whatevs.
-head is in the 100th%. This, this seems right. Although his is the largest. Gasp. Apparently he's short, fat and has a gigantic head. At least he's cute.
The one sock wonder took his sock off in the van to use as a chew toy. I haven't put it back on.
-22lbs 4oz, 87th percentile.
-28 1/4inch, 37th percentile. This just seems wrong. At every specialist office we have been to, they measure him as long. Every time, at his ped, they measure him short. Whatevs.
-head is in the 100th%. This, this seems right. Although his is the largest. Gasp. Apparently he's short, fat and has a gigantic head. At least he's cute.
-12 month/12-18 month clothes, a few 18 month things
-size 3 diaper during the day, 4 at night.
-you nurse 5, occasionally, 6, times a day. You love lunch and supper. We are just talking about breakfast. It's so much work. 4th child problems.
-sleeping is hit or miss. One night you will wake every 4-6 hours. Another you will sleep 8-10. I'm not sure if it's related to anything or not. Maybe adding breakfast will help. Maybe you just miss the boob at night.
-you love to eat. LOVE. But you don't eat near what the other kids did at this point.. You do eat everything. We haven't found anything you don't like.
-you are flying all over. You only do the army crawl but you can MOVE. The kids leave the basement door open sometimes and that scares me. We are working on it.
-you think it's hilarious to reach for people. And then reach back for the person you just left.
-you, typically, nap twice a day.
-you adore your blanket
-love to take bathes
-you CONSTANTLY turn your wrists. Constantly.
-NO teeth
-love, love, love to laugh
-you pulled yourself up, once, in the bathtub the other day. It hasn't happened since. I'm really hoping you don't walk for a loooooooooooong time.
-you love to chew on puzzle pieces. I'm convinced the puzzles I leave out for you will probably be ruined. Oh well.
-you love to look at (and hit) the baby in the stove or the dishwasher or the slider. In other words, yourself.
-you love to look at (and hit) the baby in the stove or the dishwasher or the slider. In other words, yourself.
-you also love the duplo's. We leave those down for you too and you just plow through them.
-we put you in the sandbox the other day while we were working outside and you loved it. Then we looked over and you were army crawling across the backyard for a stick. We wonder if you are part dog.
-you chitter chatter alllll the time. you can say mamamamama and dadadada...but they aren't directed at anyone. yet. :)
-love blowing raspberries
-you think it's fun to bury your face in someone's skin and blow hard. Fart noises. A boy's best friend.
-you think it's hilarious to click your tongue at me while you are nursing. you will let go, click your tongue, wait for me to do it back and then get a huge smile.
All the babes at 9 months. I was trying to get him to do a serious picture. I showed Eric J's 9 month picture and we were both like "Woah" Twins.

-you chitter chatter alllll the time. you can say mamamamama and dadadada...but they aren't directed at anyone. yet. :)
-love blowing raspberries
-you think it's fun to bury your face in someone's skin and blow hard. Fart noises. A boy's best friend.
-you think it's hilarious to click your tongue at me while you are nursing. you will let go, click your tongue, wait for me to do it back and then get a huge smile.
All the babes at 9 months. I was trying to get him to do a serious picture. I showed Eric J's 9 month picture and we were both like "Woah" Twins.
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