Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Crafts

We did a couple Easter crafts along with our normal school stuff this week.  On Friday we made salt dough crosses, decorated them and baked them.  They turned out really cute.  Naturally I don't have a picture of the finished product.  We had lots of talks about the why's of Easter.  They know all the information and can recite it like nobodies business.  They got some candy at Awana on Wednesday and I was talking to them about what was more important.  Candy or having your sins forgiven.  Adelyn told me she would rather have her sins forgiven than have candy but Brecken was insistent that candy was much better.  Totally their ages ;)  Joelle would probably make her decision based on what kind of candy she was given.

B decorating his crosses.

"Look Momma!  Isn't it pretty?"

She loves to pose for pictures:)



These kids love anything to do with crafts.

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