Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Phone Dump

Sometimes Brecken and Joelle fall asleep with the light on, while reading.  Love.  

 This little mister had his first Urgent Care/Emergency Room visit.  He had a HIGH fever for over 24 hours.  Eric and I both forgot about his kidneys until the 2nd day.  He still had a high fever.  No one else was sick.  We decided I better take him in.  So I did.  They were concerned with how high it was and he had a really high heart rate.  They couldn't get the cath in.  They taped a bag to him and got two drops that they unsuccessfully tested.  So they moved us over to ER with talks of doing chest x-rays and bloodwork.  Our ER doc was super sweet and told me she wasn't at all concerned about the heart rate and fever she just wanted him to pee so we could test the urine.  HE DIDN'T PEE FOR 5 HOURS.  I nursed him 3 or 4 times.  He kept falling asleep and they would have to wake him up to get his vitals.  Not my favorite thing ever.  We got home at 1am.  His urine, in the ER, came back with possible contamination.  The 48 hour test ended up coming back clean.

Went over to the Lampen's for a day of fun!

Eric and I saw these pajamas a while back at Old Navy and we just had to get them.  I've been wanting to take a picture and finally got it.  #neveratruerstatement

Took all the kiddos on their first bike ride together.  Lincoln loved it;)

Lincoln and paper.  Sigh.  At his 9 month visit he DESTROYED the paper on the table.

He did not find it hysterical that he was stuck.

Came back to the car, from dropping Adelyn off, turned around to check the kids and Brecken looked like this.


Took all the kids out for a froyo date.

I even gave Lincoln a few bites of my non-dairy froyo.  I think he liked it.

Found some excellent garage sale finds.  Books!!!  Lots and lots of books.

Brecken was outside by himself one Sunday and all of a sudden we heard a cry for "hewp! hewp!"  Bahahahaha  The neighbors were laughing at him too.

Should probably pay better attention to my children at the park...

They picked me flowers:)

Adelyn had a choir program for school.  SOOOO cute!

First sentence: I'd buy would buy barbies.  She said she messed up and wanted it to say I would buy barbies.
Second sentence: I would buy a car for Mommy.  To which I said "awwwww" and took a picture to send to Eric :)
IMG_20150429_145355 (1)

Cutest dutch kids ever.

I am totally Kristina Bravermanning my son.  I decided they could use the jelly bean machine when they were done with school.  He does not get motivated by the sticker chart.  He likes to pick his own movie but I am forever asking him if he gave himself his stickers.  And he still complained about school.  SO.  I appealed to his sweet tooth.  The jelly bean machine spits out 5-7 at a time.  I'm not terribly concerned.  I am comparing school to potty training.  I no longer have to give them jelly beans to go on the toilet.  I will not always have to give them jelly beans to like school.  He has not complained about school since.  {I get that he's a boy and might take longer to be interested in school.  His school is not sit down and do work school.  He still needs to have a good attitude about doing things. Over and out}

He wanted me to take a picture of him and Lincoln.  Then he looked at it and asked why they were both frowning.  Ha!

I lost loooooaaaaaaaads of hair after Lincoln.  This is what my current hairline looks like all.the.time.  If I don't give it the ole spit shine.  Sigh.

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