Tuesday, March 25, 2014

bUmPdate::24 weeks

24 weeks!!!  The week of viability.  My second most favorite week.  My most favorite week is 28 weeks.  If baby were born at this time, it would most likely be without any serious complications.


How far along:: 24 weeks
Heartbeat:: Not sure.  I had to return my doppler :(
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 13lbs.  No worries, it is creeping up there.
Movement:: All.the.time.  Adelyn felt the baby move the other day!  She was soooo excited...and then wouldn't stop touching my stomach the rest of the night :)
Symptoms:: Starting to feel like a whale.  I know it's too early but something about chasing these other three AND being pregnant.  My back has been feeling pretty good-which I will definitely thank the chiro for.
What I miss: Hmmm
Cravings:: Gluten and sweets.  There wasn't too much I could eat on the cruise in the form of sweets so I promptly made Banana Bread when we got back, ate way too much and felt sick.  So that was awesome.
Best moments this week:: Adelyn feeling the baby move:)
What I am looking forward to:: My glucose appt in 2 weeks.  NOT.
Names:: I think we have it narrowed down to 1 of each.  Girl name needs a middle name though...  Eric doesn't like my suggestion and no other family names go with it.  Stumped.
Funny Moments::  Nothing.  I haven't been home;)

This is week 23 on the cruise.  And proof I need to stop taking my bi-weekly pictures in the morning (when I just wake up) or at night (right before I go to bed).  I seriously look so much more alive.
My sister gave me this dress because it's a little too big for her.  It will fit me perfectly when I'm not pregnant.  But it is stretchy material.  So I tried it on before we left and proudly managed to clasp it myself.  I texted Rach a picture.  I will not tell you how much she weighed when she wore this.  1.Because the last time I weighed that amount was 2nd grade and 2.I assure you I am nowhere near that number now.

Monday, March 24, 2014

If only it would just stay like this…

Since we have been home it hasn't been pleasant, temperature wise, but it has been sunny and the roads are all clear.  Yesterday Brecken, Joelle and I stayed home from church and discovered that the bike path is officially (kinda) clear.  They were thrilled!  There is no hollering of "Stay by the side!"  "Slow down!"  "STOOOOOOOOP!" when we are on the bike path.  It's like free reign.  We also went out, again, after naps.

Monday morning the kids asked if they could go for a bike ride after their Motor Movement class.  Off we went.  This is on our way back.

They really wanted to do a craft after naps and then do a bike ride with Daddy after supper.  So that's what we did.  They loved the tree craft we did in the fall.  So we made a spring time one.  Adelyn promptly informed me that the trees are green in SUMMER.  So I said well after they are dry let's add flowers.  Because flowers on trees are in the spring.  She said ok;)

Then, this morning, we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow.  Awesome.  BUT it is supposed to warm up this weekend and be in the 40's/50's all next week.  So there is that to be thankful for.  I smell a zoo visit coming up.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cruising in 2014

Nothing starts a vacation off right like pretty toes.  I wanted to take Adelyn with me for all the hard work she has been doing, without asking, around the house.  I don't want to get in the habit of paying her for "chores" that I think they need to learn to do and participate in as part of a family.  So we dropped Brecken and Joelle off at Papa and Grandma's and off we went.
She was SO excited.  They put a little flower on her big toes.  She can't wait to go back...it will be a while;)

 I knew I had to VERY CLEARLY label my starter for my bread.  Eric has said he has almost taken it to work, for lunch, and then he opens it and smells it and wonders why someone put dirty socks in the fridge.  Which, by the way, it does not smell like dirty socks.  It smells like a fine wine.  But I could totally see my parents sniffing it and tossing it.  So I labeled it.

We dropped the kids off at Nate and Joy's Friday night after supper.  We went back home and we started cleaning up and packing.  I made it into our bedroom at 9 to start packing my clothes.  I discovered Brecken's stuffed sheep on my bed.  He took it out to put clothes in his bag and it never made it back in.  I also saw his book on the counter but hoped he picked a different one.  I promptly texted Joy and asked if he was ok.  Nope.  He keep asking for a "jeep" and they could not figure it out.  So I zoomed over there and dropped it off and she got everyone to sleep by 10;)

Our plane took off at 6, from GR to Chicago, the next morning so Eric's dad picked us up at 4:30.  We made it to the airport and got all checked in.  I texted Joy when we got to Chicago and everybody slept through the night without incident.  Woohoo.  Joy said she finally got Adelyn to go to bed with promises of "cereal and orange milk" in the morning.  My children are deprived...  Joy texted me a couple pictures of the kids eating breakfast..

 Joy said she had to get some fruit in there so it wasn't all "bad" ;)

After breakfast Joy took William and Adelyn to a birthday party for a friend from church and left Nate at home with the littles (lucky him).  I got this picture of Adelyn all dressed up.  Aren't her socks hot?!

The birthday girl is in the front and William is showing off his cool prince moves to the right;)

When Joy got home Nate, Sawyer, Joelle and Brecken were all making pancakes and bacon.  Yum.

A, B and J got W and S a puzzle for letting them play with all their toys.  They assembled it and took their picture next to "the puzzle that was as tall as them!

William and Brecken were the only ones who wanted to help bake:):)

 Saturday was a looooooooooong day for us.  We went to bed at 11 on Friday and woke up at 3:30.  Thankfully we were in Houston early and got on the boat around 1.  We ate lunch and took a nap.  I was slightly disappointed in the food choices at the buffets.  There wasn't a ton that was gluten free and definitely not much in the way of desserts.  Unless if I wanted Jello.  But since I still have all of my teeth AND I'm not 90, I only did that once.  Suppertime was definitely better.  They brought me the menu for the next night and I got to pick what I wanted.  You can also order as much as you want.  They had GF bread they brought me every night.  Since I'm a snob and make my own bread it pretty much tasted like cardboard.  But I asked for some honey the first night and anything slathered in butter and honey tastes good.  So they had honey laid out for me every night after that ;)  Eric, on the other hand, was in carb heaven.
The first night we went to an illusionist show, which was quite obvious, but entertaining.

Sunday was our first day at sea and also our first formal night.  We laid out all day.  I didn't put sunscreen on right away and my chest got burnt.  But my legs and arms didn't.  Explain that.  Part of my stomach was also hanging out, imagine that, and it got horribly burnt.  It is still itching and peeling 10 days later.  Adelyn is always asking "Let me see where you burned the baby!"

Formal night.  We walked around the ship after dinner and were planning on going to see a movie.  I promptly fell asleep at 8:00.  Then I woke up at 5:30.  But it was really 6:30.  Because the time changed AGAIN. 

Our first kid that has been out of the country;)

Our first stop was in Cozmel.   We've been there before and it's nothing super exciting.  If we ever "have" to go there again we will probably do an excursion.  We took a taxi downtown and shopped.  They have changed the shops, quite a bit, and they all sold a lot of the same stuff.  We hopped back on the boat and took a nap before dinner.  That night we went to a comedy show and stayed up late to watch Desolation of Smaug under the stars.

Tuesday was Honduras.  Eric was feeling pretty good about docking here with this lovely view out our window.  You can also see that the weather was lovely.

We decided to take an excursion to Tabayana beach.  We know people who have gone there AND it gets 5 stars on TripAdvisor.  It's supposed to be the best beach in the Caribbean.  Ha. Ha. Ha.  We should have taken note of the weather and saved our $130.  Granted it was calm, albeit gray, by the boat.  On the other side of the island, after an hour bus ride from you know where, it was cold, super windy and the waves were so bad we couldn't snorkel.  The "road" system in Honduras probably should have put me into labor.  Thankfully baby stayed inside.  

"White sandy beaches"  oooorrrr beaches covered in sauerkraut.

The view down the other end.  Eric and I read our books for about an hour, took part in the crappy lunch that was provided, walked up and down the beach and left.  That was fun.

Wednesday was Belize.  That was my favorite day.  And I would love to go back to stay on the island.  They had lots of really cool touristy things to do and it wasn't as poor of a country as Honduras.  Their road system was definitely not favorable, either, but it was slightly improved.  We decided to go cave tubing and this is a picture of the bus that took us.  In Eric's words,  "Good news.  We have a fire extinguisher on the bus.  Bad news.  It's a tube sock."  There is supposed to be a fire extinguisher in the black container.  Instead they filled it with tube socks. #thirdworldproblems  Side note: I did google this and I am supposed to refer to Belize as a "Developing country."  Because they are "moving forward."  Duly noted.

No pictures of us actually cave tubing because I wasn't bringing my camera and an underwater camera was $20.  No joke.  But it was really cool and our tour guide was awesome.  They did have fresh coconuts for sale so, of course, I had to get one.  Yum.

 This is the Sleeping Giant Mountain Range.  Do you see it now?  Forehead, nose and mouth on the right.  Pretty cool.  They have stories for ev.ery.thing and it was really neat to hear their history.

A view of one of their cemetery's.   They have actually started burying people on top of each other because they are running out of room.
Wednesday night we watched Gravity under the stars and went to bed right after that.  Notice the trend??  Ha.

Thursday and Friday we were back at sea and on our way to Houston.  Thursday night we saw the illusionist, again.  The first night was just a quick show and Thursday night was the full show.  Again, pretty obvious, but entertaining.

Us on the deck Friday afternoon.  I don't have very many pictures of our trip because it's pretty boring to take pictures of just us.. ;)  Thursday and Friday were both very nice out and we laid on the deck both days.  Friday night we watched Philomena under the stars...it was pretty good but a bit slow.

Saturday morning we had to quickly hop off the boat and take the first bus to Houston.  It was an hour ride from port to the airport.  Our flight left at 12:50 so we had to hustle.  They only guaranteed the buses arriving for flights after 1:30.  Turns out we ended up with 2.5 hours to burn at the airport.  Yay.  We did have a direct flight back to GR, so that was really nice.  Unfortunately, it was on a tiny plane.  See below.

This was as the plane was landing, right before we crossed the highway in GR.  What a lovely welcome home view.  Pure Michigan.

When we got to the airport my parents were waiting with a sign the kids had made and the kids were waiting for us.  Adelyn and Joelle were SUPER excited to see us and ran right up.  Brecken was ticked that he couldn't ride on a plane....and that I left him.  He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.  He wouldn't let me hold his hand or hug him.  When he got home all he wanted was Eric.  "I want my Daddy.  Not you, Daddy."  If you know him that is unheard of.  He used to get mad at Eric, if Eric would accidentally bump into me.  "Don't hurt my Mommy!!!"  He cried both nights for Nate and Joy and cried when my mom picked them up and drove them to our house "Only Mommy can drive my van!" but didn't ask for me after that...he gave up on me :(  I've slowly been winning him back.  He went with me to the chiropractor Monday morning and I am now allowed to hug him and kiss him freely.  He comes for cuddles again....but is still insisting that his Daddy cuddles him and kisses him at night too.  Joelle cried every night when she was with my mom.  "I miss my Mommy!"  Poor baby.  Adelyn only had a problem one or two of the nights.

I had a little gift for the kids for every day we were gone.  Monday they got to go to the Peanut Store and pick a treat, Tuesday they got Frozen on Blu-Ray, Wednesday they got a new book each, Thursday they got new crayons and stickers, Friday they got a craft and Saturday they got 2 Bernstein Bears books each and some dollar store snakes and frogs.
My mom made them each a really cool count-down calendar until we got home.  She had a covered cup for each day and the kids got to punch it open.  There was a little gift inside for them.  They loved it and Eric and I thought it was such a fun idea:)
The one funny (disobedient) thing that happened while we were gone is that Adelyn squirted soap in the toilet every.single.day, multiple times a day.  I finally found a liquid soap that wasn't anti-bacterial so I had filled up all our containers.  I've tried making my own liquid but it just doesn't work AND Eric told me to never make it again..  We always use bar soap but I get that some people don't like it.  And sometimes the kids prefer the liquid stuff.  Towards the end of the week my mom said to the kids "What is happening with the soap?  Your mommy filled it up before she left."  Brecken and Joelle told on her "Adelyn has been squirting it in the toilet!"  So my mom told her to stop and that she was going to have to tell me about it when I got home.  So my mom had her tell me about it and she wouldn't tell either one of us why she did it.  Nobody got mad at her, just told her it was wasteful and not to do it again...and WHY?!  I was laying down with her Saturday night and I started asking her about it again.  I told her I wasn't mad, I just wanted to know why she would keep wasting the soap.  She finally said it was because she wanted to see if the toilet would make bubbles.  HAHAHAHAHA.  I tried really hard not to laugh.  I may have snorted.
All in all it was a really fun trip.  In my humble opinion I won't be leaving my children for that long, again, 8 days was a bit too long, 5 may have been perfect.  But I am really weird like that.  I missed them A LOT.  I am soooooo thankful for Nate and Joy and my parents for watching our kids.  With the baby coming we won't be getting any kind of a chance to take a vacation, with just us, for another 3-4 years so it was perfect timing for us to do it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

bUmPdate::22 weeks


How far along:: 22 weeks, belly measuring 23 weeks
Heartbeat:: racing along at 155, I blamed the Peeps I ate for lunch.
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 10lbs.  Doc was still annoyed at my lack of weight gain.  They have me up like 4lbs from my initial weigh in.  I told them to buy a new scale.
Movement:: All the time!  I'm still waiting for the kids to be able to feel the baby but, so far, no luck.
Symptoms:: Braxton hicks are kicking in more and more.  Still way less than the other two pregnancies.  Still have my sinus infection but she tested me for strep and that was negative, so that was good.
What I miss: Eating gluten.
Cravings:: Ice cream!  I've slowly been incorporating dairy back into my diet.  Just staying away from cow's milk like the plague.
Best moments this week:: Leaving on Saturday!
What I am looking forward to:: Leaving on Saturday!
Names:: 2 boy names.  2 girl names.  We think we have our favorite girl name.  Just debating the boy name.
Funny Moments::  Adelyn was asking me, again, where the baby was going to come out.
"God will make a way."
A: But where?  Out of your mouth.
Me: No.
A: Out of your belly button?
Me: No
A: Out of your butt?
Me: Nooooo.
A: Well I think the baby is coming out of your butt.  Because that's a really big butt.
I laughed.

She asked, AGAIN, later that week.  So I finally told her.  I thought I would hear alllll about it, the next day, and that she would tell everyone.  Nope.  She hasn't said a word since.  Apparently that traumatized her enough.  I didn't even go into detail, I just told her where.  And that was that.

22 weeks with all three.  A-B/J-BF4

22 weeks                       22weeks 002  031

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Our Last Saturday..

..before we leave.  We knew we wanted to do something fun.  I was doing dishes in the kitchen, yesterday, and the kids were watching Dinosaur Train.  The commercial, at the end of the show, was for Frederick Meijer Gardens that the butterflies were out.  Then they played the same commercial again.  It was a sign.  We headed out at 8:15 and got routed off the highway in Hudsonville because they had an ammonia leak.  Yikes.  We got to Wolfgang (our favorite breakfast place.  EVER.) and got right in.  After a super yummy and filling breakfast we headed to FMG.  We knew it was going to cost us $34 for admission.  It was $75 for a membership.  So, you guessed it, we are now members of FMG too.  It just doesn't make sense for us not too at those prices.  And there outside stuff is amazing...if it ever gets warm.

Joelle inspecting a butterfly.                                                    A pretty green and brown one emerging.

I've never seen a green one like this before..

You want to know what I had to say to get them to look at me?  Something's on my camera.  That's what I got.

Playing in the statue garden room.  

B commandeered both of the cars.



We headed home for naps and then had to get outside on this super warm 30 degree day.  The roads are mostly clear so we busted out our bikes.  I thought we might have some regression with Joelle and pedaling but once we raised her seat and fixed her training wheels she did much better.  Her boots were also killing her form too.

 So she was my buddy for a little while.  Towards the end of our walk I ended up having to even run a couple times.  Big momma isn't going to do so hot this summer...

 Brecken glanced back at me and I hollered at Eric "What is on his face?!"  I thought it was some dirt.  Nope.  A big ole booger.  So we had to get a picture.

 At bedtime tonight we had to do a family selfie.

Don't forget the crazy faces.  We decided we just have to ask B to do a crazy face to get him to smile nicely;)

We had a great day...and are hoping everyone sleeps appropriately.  Stupid daylight savings.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Our Littlest Miracle

We had our ultrasound Thursday night.  I was super excited to see our little baby again.  They look so tiny when you see them at 8/10 weeks that 20 weeks is just amazing.  And then once you get a little further, they just look smooshed.  The ultrasound took a really long time, 45 minutes.  The baby was laying in a really weird position.  It was face down and wouldn't move for anything.  The legs were kicking all over the place but the baby wouldn't move it's upper body.  She was trying to scan it's arms and get a good profile and the arms were over the face and, again, the whole face down thing.  The tech kept moving the wand back and forth over my belly trying to get better views with not much luck.  I went away from the the US a little concerned because she re-scanned areas many times.  The only thing that made me feel good was that all the measurements all lined up and baby is measuring a couple days ahead.  I told Eric I think Adelyn's 20 week scan was 15-20 minutes and Brecken and Joelle's was 45 minutes.  My doctor must have sensed my concerns because she called right away the next day and said everything looked great.

Our best profile shot of baby.  The big blob hanging right in front of it's face is the placenta.  I kinda thought the placenta might be in the front this time because it's been so hard for Eric to feel the baby (until lately).  Sometimes I'll feel the craziest moves on the inside and nothing on the outside.  I was right.  It's on the top of my uterus and the front.

Obligatory creepy baby shot.  Full face, eye sockets, nose and jaw bone.


S/he kept arching it's back and opening it's mouth.  We watched that for a couple minutes and that was kinda neat to see.

Heart rate/heart.  Chugging along at 149 for the US.

These are the only "good" shots we got of baby.  The baby WAS laying in a really weird position and any pictures she took where not the best.  All these shots came after the tech had me get up and move around.  I was really happy she told us to look away when she scanned the lower body/pelvis area.  I'm sure we would have been able to tell and I was so prepared NOT to know.  And I still feel good about that decision :)
So blessed.