Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Spring CSA

We signed up for a spring CSA this year.  It was our first time doing a CSA and I was a little nervous because some people said a full share is an overwhelming amount of vegetables.  I wasn't afraid to can some or freeze them, so I didn't let that deter me.  I have scoured the internet for quite a few places.  I had already signed up for a summer CSA with Groundswell when I stumbled upon Crisp Country Acres from someone's blog.  I was enthralled with their website.  There are TONS of recipes, how to store veggies, an online farm stand (so you can pick up extras) and many other bonuses.

Pardon the crappy quality of some pictures...I used my cell phone to take some of them.

First week::
salad greens, basil, red skin potatoes, carrots, parsnips, celery root, radishes and onions
Never had::
Celery Root.  Used half in some soup (yummy) and the other half is in the freezer.  Also, radishes.  We used a CCA recipe for stove top radishes and everyone LOVED them.
 Second week::
salad greens, frozen blueberries, swiss chard, sprouts, red skin potatoes and cilantro
Never had::
Swiss Chard.  Very similar to spinach.  Pureed this batch in my enchilada sauce and week 7's we ate in an egg dish.  Both excellent.

 Third week (we left for Mackinac right after I picked this up.  Hence, no picture)::
Asparagus, radishes, salad greens, spinach, beets, carrots and onions
Never had::
Beets.  First time I botched how I cooked them.  Eric and Adelyn were the only ones who would eat them.  2nd time I peeled them, diced and boiled.  Then made a brown sugar/oj/butter reduction and poured over the top.  Everyone ate them except Brecken.

Fourth week::
Asparagus, greens, kale, green onions, red skin potatoes, arugula and parsnips

5th week::
Asparagus, lettuce, red radishes, green onions, rhubarb, carrots and beets

6th week::
Asparagus, Salad Greens, Spinach, Herbs, Red Skin Potatoes, Green Onions and Carrots

Week 7::
Asparagus, Salad Greens, Spinach, Cilantro, Swiss Chard, Rhubarb, Radishes and Tomato

The only thing I have in my freezer (aka::not ate) is half a celery root and lots of green onions.  I have refused to waste or throw anything away.   We have LOVED having a CSA.  We have ate WAY more veggies than we normally eat.  We have also tried new ones and found some we love.  CCA gives you the option of trading one veggie each week and although I was tempted when I found out we were having beets, I didn't.  I can't keep saying I don't like things when I've never tried them.  It's a trait I refuse to pass on to my children.

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