2.5 years have blown by like the wind. The days can feel soooooo long but the weeks/months/years are just flying by.
-weigh 30lbs 9ozs, 60th percentile
-36in tall, 46th percentile
-head circumference is in the 69th percentile
-size 7 shoe
-2/3T clothes. A lot of your pants and shorts are still 24month/2T but shirts are mostly 3.
-sleep great. 2/3 hours nap and 11ish hours at night.
-still have to sleep with blankie and "neigh" (neigh is a horse, in case you missed that)
-are our crazy little man. Constantly on the move. Constantly.
-knows some colors
-can count to 13
-LOVES to color
-LOVES to read
-LOVES his Momma. Will occasionally wake in the middle of the night "because I missed my Mommy."
-if you see a big kid do something you HAVE to try it and, generally, succeed
-loves to eat. Carbs/sugar/fruit are his favorite. Imagine that, they are, kinda, one and the same.
-always asks to go outside.
-always asks to play in the basement
-doesn't have a ton of interest in the TV. But loves Dinosaur Train and Mary Poppins.
-talks a lot.
-still is obsessed with *his* train track and *his* gator. News flash::when you have siblings nothing is realllly *yours*
-is in a reallllllly annoying whiny stage. I hear this is common with boys but I pray it's done soon. I can do crying, I can do happy, whiny is utterly annoying. We just work on "asking the right way."
-thinks he's pretty hot stuff if he gets to watch me cook or help me cook
-loves to go swimming and will jump right in, all the way under.
-is one crazy boy. But I think I've already mentioned that.
I had a funny sayings section on Adelyn's 2.5 year post. I have started some with Joelle but I think Brecken is JUST starting to develop that part of his personality. He talks a ton and some things are funny. But he definitely doesn't remember to make funny comments or remember odd things. He just pokes you with his fork and giggles. Because that is hilarious.
I did conduct a little interview with them and I think some of their responses were funny;)
Name:: Becken
Favorite Food::Monkey Bananas
What food don't you like::Yucky kind
Favorite Animal:: I don't know.
What makes you sad ::No cry
Makes you happy::I don't know....ME!
Favorite Book:: Tis. (I love to laugh)
(Princess stickers are cool. Especially when your big sister gladly shares her treasures with you. FYI)
Adelyn at 2.5 years
(Princess stickers are cool. Especially when your big sister gladly shares her treasures with you. FYI)

Adelyn at 2.5 years
-32lbs 9ozs, 86th percentile
-38in, 95th percentile
head circumference is in the 72% percentile
-size 7 or 8 shoe
-3T clothes
-LOVES to sleep. 2/3 hour nap. 12-13 hours at night. If someone had told me you would be my best sleeper when you were an infant I would have laughed in their face.
-still have to sleep with pig and blankie. HAVE to have your "corn-ah" (corner). It's gray from constant rubbing.
-are an excellent pee-er. It must be a Fitzgerald girl thing. It is CERTAINLY not a boy thing. Both of the girls have been exceptionally good at peeing out of their diapers.
-know almost all of your colors.
-your mind is like a vault. If you are told something you can repeat it days or weeks later. You remember every.thing.
-make the bestest sad face ever. I can not get it on camera for the life of me. It's the most random things that make you burst into tears/your sad face but it is killer every time. The phrase "you could sit on your lip" was invented because of you.
-LOVE to eat. Love, love, love, love to eat. The list of what you don't like is incredibly small. Chocolate is pretty much the only thing I can think of right now.. Not a huge fan of sweets. The only one that you really love is ice cream or fruit.
-love babies. Real, fake, imaginary. Doesn't matter. If you see a baby, you are drawn.
-You are soooo full of giggles.
-You are, also, soooooooooooooo full of sass. My word. The amount of sass in you is unbelievable. I think you got all of my, my dad's, Eric's dad's and Eric's stubbornness in one child.
-You say " 'scuse me!" all the time if someone is talking and you want to get a word in. So polite and so cute.
-for being evaluated for speech 6 months ago, you sure communicate amazingly well now. Unbelievable the strides you have made. Every thing you say has to be perfectly enunciated too.
-wouldn't mind sitting in front of the TV all day. Dinosaur Train and Mary Poppins are current favorites. You also love TinkerBell and Finding Nemo. Anything remotely scary sends you running from the room in a burst of tears.
Some funny things::
“let’s hit the road, Jack!”
after changing B’s diaper he told me he didn’t want to throw away his diaper. J said she would throw them away. I changed J’s diaper.
“Will you throw these away for me?”
“Nooooooooooooope. Was just kiddin!”
Joelle's Interview::
Favorite Color::Purple
Favorite Food:Mac and Cheese
What food don't you like::Gross. I don't a know.
Favorite animal::I love kitty cats.
What makes you sad::(Making sad face) I don't know. Brecken does.
What makes you happy::Love youuuuuuuuuuu!
Favorite book::Princess book
Oh.my.word. I LOVE this picture. I think it's my favorite picture of them together, yet. B HAD to have his arm around her. Such a sweet little man.
Adelyn wanted to take turns "holding" them. I think she missed the memo they are nearly the same size as her..;)
B wanted nothing to do with looking at me and smiling. The girls, however, had a blast.
Silly faces...and sullen ones.
Love them with my whole heart.
Oh.my.word. I LOVE this picture. I think it's my favorite picture of them together, yet. B HAD to have his arm around her. Such a sweet little man.
Adelyn wanted to take turns "holding" them. I think she missed the memo they are nearly the same size as her..;)
Silly faces...and sullen ones.
Love them with my whole heart.
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