Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kitchen Re-do

When we moved into our house, our kitchen was not my favorite place.  I love how "big" it is but the counters were heinous.  I loathed the blue counters, the wood edge, the metal strip running along the counter top...etc.  It is such a costly thing to have done we have put it off for a loooooong time.  Finally I decided I couldn't take it anymore and we devoted our tax returns to our kitchen re-model.  FINALLY.



A good close up of the heinous blue.  So I can never forget.

After!!!  Hallelujah.  Beautiful.  Amazing.  Love it.  It took about 2 weeks from start to finish because there are so many different processes for the tile.  At one point, I don't remember if it was after laminate or after the tile, Adelyn walked in from outside and said "Oohhh Mister Chris does such a nice job decorating!"  Chris was working in the bathroom and I could hear him snickering in there ;)

Brecken broke in the laminate for us (big surprise).  Chris had it all laid out, the first day, on the garage.  We took off for the day and I let B outside with strict instructions to walk around.  He starts barreling towards the car and I hear Chris say "Hey buddy...!"  Too late.  He ran across the laminate with his shoes on.  I told Chris "what's a counter top without a few scratches?"  Oh well..

Can NOT believe the difference.  LOVE them.

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