Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park

We headed to Boulder Ridge with a bunch of friends today.  Joy, William and Sawyer got to ride with us because their car was in the shop.  Steph, Griffin and Brynn, Tiff, Sophia and Charlie, Rachael, Kaylee, Kaleb and Keegan, Joy, Tiff/Joy's mom, Rachel, Ben, Timothy and Solomon, and Alyson, Al's dad, Henry and Loretta came.  We had SOOO much fun.  All of the kids did surprisingly well.  Nobody pitched a fit and nobody was (terribly) mean.  That's success in my book. 

 Kaleb, Joelle and Kaylee looking at the animals.  Brecken being a wild ape and hanging on the ropes.

 Brecken and Kaleb checking out the lemurs

We started the trip all peaceful like.  Then this happened.  I took Adelyn to the bathroom.  I thought she put her sunglasses in my purse.  Turns out she put them in my back pocket.  When I went to pull my pants down, to go to the bathroom, they fell in.  Into the toilet in which she had already urinated in.  She.flipped.out.  Probably because she thought I wouldn't get them.  Oh you should have heard her wail. I'm pretty sure she traumatized Henry...who was trying to do his business in peace. I wanted to get a picture of her crying by the toilet..as every good mother does....."Nooooooooooooo!"  I had to go REALLLLLY bad, so I left her in there, went and did my business in another stall, ran to the front to grab a glove, came back and fished them out.  I bathed them in soap, twice, and then gave them back.  Luckily this was the only "highlight" of our trip.

Joelle holding and kissing a baby chick.

We need to get this girl some chickens.  Seriously.  Too bad she will have to wait until we move to the country.  She wanted to go back to hold them only 325 times.

She loooooved the birds this year.  She hasn't liked them, previously, so it was fun to see her enjoy them.

Little B enjoyed running around, waving his stick and traumatizing the birds.

Rachael's teaching a bird how to text.                                     B in a rare moment of kindness

Charlie looooooved the birds;)

Clearly, Sophia did too;)

Pretty lady.                                                                       This is how B felt about the bird on his stick;)

Tiff with a bird in her hair!  Yikes.068

William only wanted "one bird at a time!"

Eric informed me she looks like the crazy bird lady here.

This is how Joelle felt about the birds.  She refused to hold the stick if it had a bird on it.  REFUSED.

And then one landed in her hair.  She flipped out.

Sophia, Adelyn and Rachel on the safari ride.  Yes, this is the best one.

Pretty girls on the bear.

Charlie has it right.  He SHOULD be afraid for his life;)

Griffin and William on top of the spider.  Some pretty cool dudes!

Alli the Alligator

Feeding the baby antelope crackers.  Joelle LOVED the petting zoo.


Two sets of twins 6 months apart.  Sooooo cute!

Kaylee and Joelle.  Two little cuties:)

Rachel and Joelle

I'm pretty sure something is wrong with this picture...

Don't tell Sawyer.  But I think he has a bird on his hat.

This was a common theme in the bird house, the second time around.  Poor Griffin would be surrounded by birds, feeding them, and Brecken would come along and swipe at them with his stick.

Last one of my pretty girl holding the birds.  She has come so far, with the birds, in the past year!

Such a fun time.  Always worth the drive!  All of our friends loved it too.

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