Wednesday, June 12, 2013

17 Kids..!

Whoa.  No one died or was harmed in any way.  Be impressed.
17 kids.  6 mommas.  You do the math.
Alyson brought her three; Henry, Loretta and Fiona
Joy has two; William and Sawyer.  William is apparently missing from all my pictures..
Tiff has two; Sophia and Charlie
Rachael has three; Kaylee, Kaleb and Keegan.  They brought two friends; Audrey and John
Lindsey has three but left sweet baby Honor at home; Aria and Scarlett
And my three.

First off:: this was my morning.  I was taking a shower and, while stepping out, I realized I hadn't heard from B in a while.  The girls?  Not an issue.  Brecken?  There is bound to be trouble.  Right as I was wondering about him, I heard a clackety clack from the pantry.  I quick got my clothes on and investigated.  I almost cried.  Crisco.  Allllll over my pantry.  This picture does it NO justice.  He thinks he's pretty cool.  Normally I make my kids help clean up their messes.  Not this one.  We left it for Daddy.

We had so much fun playing with our friends today!  We played upstairs for a while, played downstairs and even got to play outside for a bit, with no rain!  Adelyn, per usual, got a bit overwhelmed when everybody started pouring in.  She went upstairs for a couple minutes so I went to get her.  Then she warmed up ;)  Brecken had issues sharing.  He thoroughly enjoys taking toys from people just to get a reaction out of them.  He does it to Adelyn and Joelle all day long.  He decided to extend his pleasantness to his friends today.  They didn't appreciate it.  Joelle LOVED the babies.  I'm pretty sure she held Keegan countless times and had to "kiss him" every time he left the vicinity.  That little lady loves her some baby but, boy, is she gonna have a hard time when we have another.   As far as she's concerned SHE'S the baby.  And she even tells us that.  "Me Momma's baby."  I totally encourage it. 

Aria, Scarlett and Sawyer enjoying lunch.  We had quesadillas, fruit, raisins and chips.

On the left:: Kaleb, Kalee, John, William is MIA and Joelle.
The right:: Audrey, Adelyn, Brecken and Sophia.

Charlie, Henry, Loretta and Momma Al

The adorable little babies.  Fiona and Keegan.  Fiona was trying to nab herself a boyfriend;)

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