Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sophia and Charlie come for a visit

We had Sophia and Charlie come stay with us for a couple days.  Tiff was having foot surgery done and is *supposed* to be completely off her foot for a week and wear a boot for 6 weeks.  Kinda hard when you are a Momma of young kids..  I offered to take the kids for a couple days so she could have a (painful) vacation.


1 out of 5 napped.  Meltdown from little B ensued..

Adelyn loving on Charlie

 Pooper check!  B saw me checking everyone's buns and thought he would help...

Goooooood morning!  Matching braids for the girls and matching mohawks for the dudes.

While the babies napped, Adelyn and Sophia drew pictures for Mrs Tiff.

The days get long when you are with 5 kids by yourself...  Soo you venture out for frozen yogurt!  They all appreciated the little outing too:)

Little C trying some froyo.  He looooooved it.  Who doesn't?!

We went to Tip Toes to pick out a toy and I had the girls make a crazy face in the tree house;)

Movie night, with popcorn!  I'm pretty sure Adelyn missed the memo Charlie wasn't a dog..

Can't be returning the babies all we had a bath!  These three got along swimmingly.  Get it?!  Ha.

For breakfast we had cinnamon roll pancakes.  So we had to have a slightly healthier lunch;)  Can not believe how much Charlie gobbled down raw red peppers!  I can never get my kids to eat raw veggies until they are older..  Adelyn LOVES them, now.  But B and J think I'm crazy when I try to put them on their plate.

Everyone got along well, everyone slept great and Tiff got a little rest before normal chaos resumed again.  We love having our friends come visit!

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