Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Crazy Bounce. AKA Germ Warehouse.

We went to Crazy bounce with some friends.  It was "Toddler Time"...errr..."Mass Chaos Time."  Note to self::next time don't go during Spring Break. 

First time down the big slide.  A little unsure..
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                 That's better ;)                                                                     Going down with Jojo
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Surprisingly, this little lady LOVED it.                                                   Down with Mr. B
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Some ball pit fun with Charlie
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What a cheeser.  He's so stinking cute:)  (Also) surprisingly he had the most trouble with the slides.  He couldn't figure out how to use the ladder.  The most clumsy, uncoordinated one (Joelle) could.  But not Brecken..odd.
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Pretty girl.
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I am writing this blog post 2.5 weeks later and we are STILL sick.  Granted it took 3/4 days for incubation before we got it.  Adelyn started first, then Joelle, finally Brecken.  Joelle and Brecken are mostly done but Adelyn still has a wicked cough.  Her sicknesses always settle in her chest.  We have been trying the Albuterol for a week now and nothing.  It kicked it in a couple days last time..this time, no such luck.

I had told Adelyn, earlier in the day, that she had Awana tonight.  Not thinking everyone was on Spring Break.  So no Awana.  AND she had colored a picture just to give to Sophia.  When I told her that we didn't have it, it was a catastrophe.  You would have thought I told her someone died.. :(  I was already mid text with Tiff so I asked her if they would join us downtown for frozen yogurt.   We enjoyed our Fro Yo and headed out for a little walk.  They saved the day. 
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